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DIAC's contract with Serco

Recommendation 5

3.78    The Committee recommends that the Department of Immigration and Citizenship appoint an independent expert to inquire into the appropriate qualifications for Serco Client Service Officers and make appropriate amendments to its contract with Serco.

Recommendation 9

3.104  The Committee recommends that Serco develop and implement improved proactive procedures to support staff following critical incidents.

Provision of health services to people in detention (especially mental health services)

Recommendation 6

3.91 The Committee recommends that the Department of Immigration and Citizenship effectively contract manage Serco's implementation of the Psychological Support Program Policy.

Recommendation 7

3.92 The Committee recommends that the Department of Immigration and Citizenship work with Serco and the Detention Health Advisory Group to reform the Keep Safe policy to ensure it is fully consistent with the Psychological Support Program Policy, as soon as possible.

Recommendation 8

3.93 The Committee recommends that the Department of Immigration and Citizenship ensure that Serco provides adequate Detention Health Advisory Group -endorsed mental health training to Serco officers who implement the Psychological Support Program Policy.

Recommendation 10

3.109  The Committee recommends that the Department of Immigration and Citizenship ensure Serco has appropriate procedures and training in place so that only where International Health and Medical Services personnel are not available can senior Serco managers participate in the secondary dispensing of medication.

Recommendation 14

4.38    The Committee recommends that International Health and Medical Services staff be rostered on a 24 hour a day basis at all non-metropolitan detention facilities.

Recommendation 15

4.39    The Committee recommends that the Department of Immigration and Citizenship assess, on a case by case basis, the need for International Health and Medical Services staff to be rostered on a 24 hour a day basis at metropolitan detention facilities.

Recommendation 16

4.69    The Committee recommends that the Department of Immigration and Citizenship work with International Health and Medical Services to pilot regular mental health outreach services in detention facilities. 

Recommendation 17

4.91 The Committee recommends that the Department of Immigration and Citizenship develop a transport capability to transfer detainees with non-acute injuries to remote hospitals.

Reforms to the existing network

Recommendation 1

3.34    The Committee recommends that the Department of Immigration and Citizenship continue to robustly contract manage Serco's obligation to provide appropriate activities for detainees.

Recommendation 2

3.36    The Committee recommends that the Department of Immigration and Citizenship consider other accommodation or recreation options for detainees when the amenity of a facility is compromised due to construction or maintenance projects.

Recommendation 12

3.128  The Committee recommends that the Department of Immigration and Citizenship require Serco local managers to apply a consistent practice and procedure protocol to visits across the network, in accordance with the information provided on the department website.

Recommendation 13

3.129  The Committee recommends that the Department of Immigration and Citizenship continue to improve visitor facilities across the network.

Children in detention

Recommendation 19

5.95    The Committee recommends that relevant legislation be amended to replace the Minister for Immigration as the legal guardian of unaccompanied minors in the immigration detention system.

Recommendation 20

5.109  The Committee recommends that the Department of Immigration and Citizenship develop and implement a uniform code for child protection for all children seeking asylum across the immigration system.

Recommendation 21

5.110 The Committee further recommends that the Department of Immigration and Citizenship adopt Memoranda of Understanding with children's commissions or commissioners in all states and territories as soon as possible.

Reforms to detention policy

Recommendation 18

5.65    The Committee recommends that, as a matter of policy, the Department of Immigration and Citizenship accommodate detainees in metropolitan detention facilities wherever possible, in particular children and families, and those detainees with special needs or with complex medical conditions.

Recommendation 22

5.119  The Committee recommends that the Australian Government take further steps to adhere to its commitment of only detaining asylum seekers as a last resort and for the shortest practicable time, and subject to an assessment of non-compliance and risk factors, as enunciated by the New Directions policy.

Recommendation 23

5.120  The Committee further recommends that asylum seekers who pass initial identity, health, character and security checks be immediately granted a bridging visa or moved to community detention while a determination of their refugee status is completed, and that all reasonable steps be taken to limit detention to a maximum of 90 days.

Recommendation 24

5.121 The Committee recommends that the Department of Immigration and Citizenship be required to publish on a quarterly basis the reasons for the continued detention of any person detained for more than 90 days, without compromising the privacy of the individuals.

Recommendation 29

7.16    The Committee recommends that the Department of Immigration and Citizenship consider publishing criteria for determining whether asylum seekers are placed in community detention or on bridging visas.

Recommendation 30

7.91    The Committee recommends that the Australian Government and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship seek briefing on control orders in use by the criminal justice system and explore the practicalities of employing similar measures for refugees and asylum seekers who are in indefinite detention or cannot be repatriated.

Reforms to processing of protection claims and security assessments

Recommendation 25

6.61    The Committee recommends that the Department of Immigration and Citizenship consider revising and enhancing its system of quality control to oversee those Refugee Status and Assessment and Independent Merits Review processes still underway.

Recommendation 26

6.96    The Committee recommends that the Australian Government move to place all asylum seekers who are found to be refugees, and who do not trigger any concerns with the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation following initial security checks, and subject to an assessment of non-compliance and risk factors, into community detention while any necessary in-depth security assessments are conducted.

Recommendation 27

6.151  The Committee recommends that the Australian Government and the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation establish and implement periodic, internal reviews of adverse Australian Security Intelligence Organisation refugee security assessments commencing as soon as possible.

Recommendation 28

6.152 The Committee recommends that the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Act be amended to allow the Security Appeals Division of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal to review the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation security assessments of refugees and asylum seekers.

Implementation of Hawke­–Williams Recommendations

Recommendation 3

3.56    The Committee recommends that the Department of Immigration and Citizenship conduct robust auditing of Serco staffing ratios and training, in line with the recommendations in the Comcare report and the Hawke-Williams review.

Recommendation 4

3.64    The Committee reiterates the recommendation made by the Commonwealth Ombudsman that the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, conduct a review of the quality and management of incident reporting across immigration detention network, and also assess Serco's capacity to monitor its own compliance with the reporting guidelines.

Recommendation 11

3.118  Consistent with the findings of the Hawke-Williams review, the Committee recommends that the government finalise a security protocol between Serco, the Australian Federal Police and local police in each state and territory.

Recommendation 31

8.59    The Committee recommends that the Department of Immigration and Citizenship continue to work towards implementing all of the recommendations made by the Hawke-Williams review, and that the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship report to the Parliament no later than 20 September 2012 on progress in implementing the review recommendations.

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