Public hearing - Sydney, Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Joint Select Committee on Australia’s Immigration Detention Network

Public hearing - Sydney, Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Time: 8.30 am – 5.50 pm

Venue: Lyceum Room, Wesley Conference Centre
Sydney, NSW

8.30 am

Refugee Advice and Casework Service Australia ....Sub 28
Ms Tanya Jackson-Vaughan, Executive Director

9.10 am

Refugee Council of Australia.....................................Sub 124
Ms Lucy Morgan, Information and Policy Officer

9.50 am

Sydney Centre for International Law.......................Sub 130
Professor Ben Saul

10.30 am

Gilbert + Tobin Centre for Public Law.......................Sub 21
Professor Jane McAdam
Mr Greg Weeks, Lecturer
Mrs Alice Noda, Research Assistant

11.10 am

New South Wales Police Force
Assistant Commissioner Carmine Mennilli, Region Commander, South West Metropolitan Region

11.30 am

Australian Federal Police
Assistant Commissioner Ramzi Jabbour
Commander Peter Sykora

11.50 am

United Voice...................................................................Sub 55
Mr David McElrea, National Office Director

12.40 pm


1.20 pm

Australian Human Rights Commission.....................Sub 112
The Hon. Catherine Branson QC, Australian Human Rights Commissioner
Ms Catherine Maywald, Senior Policy Officer

2.10 pm

International Health and Medical Services.................Sub 95
Dr Dick Hooper, Regional Medical Director (via teleconference)
Mr Michael Gardner, Regional Managing Director
Mr Ian Gilbert, General Manager

2.50 pm

Serco................................................................................Sub 42
Mr Chris Manning, Managing Director
Mr Peter McIntosh, Operations Director
Mr John Hayes, Regional Manager North
Mr Craig Moody, Villawood Senior Operations Manager

4.20 pm

Department of Immigration and Citizenship..............Sub 32
Mr Greg Kelly, First Assistant Secretary
Ms Janet Mackin, Assistant Secretary
Mr Steve Ingram, Assistant Secretary
Ms Karen Van Raak, Director

5.50 pm


For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Joint Select Committee on Australia’s Immigration Detention Network
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3520
Fax: +61 2 6277 5706