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Recommendation 1

2.109      The committee supports the need for national research on online gambling to acquire data on which to base appropriate policy responses. As recommended in its previous report, the committee reiterates its call for a national independent research institute on gambling.

Recommendation 2

2.111      The committee recommends that the review of the Interactive Gambling Act 2001 being conducted by the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy commission relevant research on the local online gambling environment.

Recommendation 3

7.87      The committee recommends that the Interactive Gambling Act 2001 (IGA) be amended to address the inconsistencies and ambiguities identified to the committee regarding prohibited interactive gambling services and any others that are identified through the review being conducted by the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy. Specifically the IGA should be amended to capture methods of avoidance such as websites which provide links to facilitate access to prohibited interactive gambling services.

Recommendation 4

7.89      The committee recommends that following the review of the Interactive Gambling Act 2001 by the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, an education campaign be developed for consumers to provide clarification of online gambling regulation and highlight the risks of harm.

Recommendation 5

8.32      The committee supports the recommendation of the Productivity Commission that the COAG Select Council on Gambling Reform should review new gambling opportunities, particularly those which appear to target youth, with a view to developing a national regulatory approach.

Recommendation 6

9.50      The committee recommends that the Interactive Gambling Act 2001 be amended to address the inconsistencies and ambiguities identified to the committee regarding the advertising of prohibited interactive gambling services, and any others that are identified through the review being conducted by the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy. Specifically it should be amended to capture methods of avoidance such as advertisements that do not mention gambling linked to gambling websites.

Recommendation 7

11.30      The committee recommends that the current prohibition on online 'in-play' betting should remain in place.

Recommendation 8

11.31      The committee recommends that the attractions, risks and potential harms of online 'in-play' betting be the subject of appropriate research commissioned by the current IGA review being undertaken by the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy.

Recommendation 9

11.41      The committee recommends that through the COAG Select Council on Gambling Reform, governments, in consultation with industry, review the 90-day timeframe to verify identity when opening a betting account, with a view to reducing it to 72 hours, in order to diminish the risk of minors using the current timeframe to gamble illegally.

Recommendation 10

11.119   The committee recommends that the COAG Select Council on Gambling Reform, in consultation with the COAG Legislative and Governance Forum on Consumer Affairs, develop nationally consistent consumer protection standards for tighter controls on the practice of credit betting.

Recommendation 11

11.120   The committee recommends that the COAG Select Council on Gambling Reform, in consultation with the COAG Legislative and Governance Forum on Consumer Affairs, develop nationally consistent consumer protection standards for greater transparency around the practice of paying third party commissions by betting agencies.

Recommendation 12

12.62      The committee recommends that the COAG Select Council on Gambling Reform commission further research on the longer-term effects of gambling advertising on children, particularly in relation to the 'normalisation' of gambling during sport.

Recommendation 13

12.77      The committee recommends that the COAG Select Council on Gambling Reform work towards nationally consistent requirements for responsible gambling messages to ensure they work effectively as harm minimisation measures to counter-balance the promotion of gambling.

Recommendation 14

12.101   The committee recommends that the government legislate a total ban of the promotion of live odds both at venues and during the broadcast of a sporting event.

Recommendation 15

12.103   The committee recommends that the work to legislate a total ban on live odds promotion also ensures that responsible gambling messages are retained as a harm minimisation measure and continue to appear as a counterpoint to other instances of gambling advertising, both in venues and during sporting broadcasts.

Recommendation 16

12.139   The committee recommends that the COAG Select Council on Gambling Reform, in consultation with Australasian Racing Ministers and the wagering industry, develop a mandatory national code of conduct for advertising by wagering providers covering:

  • inducements to bet;
  • credit betting and third party commissions;
  • harm minimisation messages on responsible gambling; and
  • other nationally consistent standards to restrict certain forms of sports betting advertising, which at a minimum, should include a ban on the display of gambling companies' logos on sporting players' uniforms and merchandise (such as children's replica sports shirts), as well as restrictions on the giveaways of free merchandise which depict betting companies' logos.

Recommendation 17

12.143   The committee recommends that, following the outcome of the Federal Court 'betbox' case, the COAG Select Council on Gambling Reform, in conjunction with regulators, investigate the potential for the growth of betting opportunities in a range of venues which have not previously offered gambling services and develop appropriate nationally consistent regulations to address it.

Recommendation 18

15.60      The committee majority recommends that consideration of the amendment to the Interactive Gambling Act 2001 (IGA) in relation to inducements be deferred until the review of the IGA being undertaken by the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy is completed. This would allow the amendment to be considered along with any further amendments proposed by the government arising from the review.

Recommendation 19

16.50      The committee majority recommends that the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 be amended to prohibit gambling advertising during times when children are likely to be watching.

Recommendation 20

16.73      The committee majority recommends that the Interactive Gambling and Broadcasting Amendment (Online Transactions and Other Measures) Bill 2011 not be passed.

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