Submissions received by the Committee

National Gambling Reform Bill 2012 and other related bills

Submissions received by the Committee

Sub No.

1Dr Anne Twomey (PDF 111KB) 
2Maxgaming (PDF 30KB) 
3Regis Controls (PDF 303KB) Attachment 1(PDF 264KB) Attachment 2(PDF 145KB) 
3A Supplementary Submission(PDF 80KB) 
4Australian Churches Gambling Taskforce (PDF 523KB) 
5Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor, WA (PDF 1240KB) 
6Responsible Gaming Networks (PDF 1337KB) 
7Clubs Australia (PDF 611KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 942KB) 
8Name Withheld (PDF 10KB) 
9Independent Gambling Authority, SA (PDF 406KB) 
10Gaming Technologies Association Limited (PDF 311KB) 
11Dr Samantha Thomas (PDF 83KB) 
12Northern Territory Government (PDF 126KB) 
13ACT Council of Social Service  (PDF 20KB) Attachment 1(PDF 56KB) 
14Australian Hotels Association  (PDF 351KB) 
15Aristocrat (PDF 431KB) 
16ATM Industry Reference Group (PDF 49KB) 
17RSL and Services Clubs (PDF 104KB) 
18Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (PDF 609KB) 
19The Australian Psychological Society  (PDF 571KB) 
20South Australian Government (PDF 73KB) 

Additional Information Received

1Tabled document from the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, at Canberra public hearing 13 November 2012(PDF 2077KB) 
2Tabled document from the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, at Canberra public hearing 13 November 2012(PDF 191KB) 

Answers to Questions on Notice

1ATM Industry Reference Group, Answers to questions taken on notice 13 November 2012, received 16 November 2012(PDF 25KB) 
2Clubs Australia, Answers to questions taken on notice 13 November 2012, received 16 November 2012(PDF 103KB) 
3FaHCSIA, Answers to questions taken on notice 13 November 2012, received 16 and 20 November 2012(PDF 399KB) 
4Australian Churches Gambling Taskforce, Answers to questions taken on notice 13 November 2012, received 16 November 2012(PDF 594KB) 
5Gaming Technologies Association, Answers to questions taken on notice 13 November 2012, received 16 November 2012(PDF 95KB) 

For further information, contact:

Senior Clerk's Office
Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone:+61 2 6277 3555
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