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Recommendation 1

3.9       The committee recommends that the ban on the use of biometrics be included as an issue for the Productivity Commission to consider in its review of assessment of progress in complying with the requirements around pre-commitment.

Recommendation 2

3.27    The committee recommends that the linking of pre-commitment to loyalty schemes be included as an issue for the Productivity Commission to consider in its review of assessment of progress in complying with the requirements around pre-commitment.

Recommendation 3

3.59    The committee recommends that the issue of whether there are grounds for further exemptions for smaller venues in regional and remote areas should be included as an issue for the Productivity Commission to consider in its review of assessment of progress in complying with the requirements around pre-commitment.

Recommendation 4

3.61    The committee recommends that the government develop an appropriate national education and social marketing campaign for voluntary pre-commitment and work with industry to develop training for staff.

Recommendation 5

4.13    The committee recommends that the members of the ATM Industry Reference Group be given until the end of 2013 to implement the $250 daily withdrawal limit on ATMs in gaming machine premises should the government believe such an extension would assist with the transition.

Recommendation 6

4.16    The committee recommends that the issue of including EFTPOS transactions in the $250 per day ATM withdrawal limit be considered by the Productivity Commission in its review of assessment of progress in complying with the requirements around the ATM withdrawal limits.

Recommendation 7

4.43    The committee recommends that the Australian Gambling Research Centre should, as a priority, conduct a national prevalence study of problem gambling to establish baseline data (using best practice screening tools) that will enable comparison between jurisdictions and will include as many at risk groups as possible.

Recommendation 8

4.45    The committee recommends that the bills be passed.

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