Chair of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on the National Crime Authority,
Mr Peter Nugent MP, announced today that the Committee had resolved to
undertake an inquiry into the NCA's witness protection arrangements.
Mr Nugent stated:
The Committee has been alerted to some concerns about the manner
in which the NCA has run its witness protection arrangements in recent
years. Naturally, for those people who are directly involved in the
program, its efficient administration is of great personal concern,
both for them and for the welfare of their immediate family members.
Accordingly, the Committee has decided to conduct a comprehensive
inquiry into the operations by the NCA of its witness protection program,
with a view to ensuring that it is being run appropriately, especially
having regard to the adverse social impacts to which participants
are likely to be subject.
The terms of reference for the inquiry are:
- the efficiency of the witness protection program administered
by the Australian Federal Police on the National Crime Authority's
- whether the criteria used to offer witness protection, and to
discontinue that protection, are appropriate, especially having
regard to the social impacts on participants in the program; and
- whether payments made to protected witnesses are administered
effectively, especially the payment of taxation liabilities.
The Committee invites interested persons or organisations wishing to
express their views to lodge submissions with the Committee by Thursday,
20 April 2000.
For further information:
Mr Peter Nugent MP, Committee Chair, 03 98873890
Mr Michael McLean, Committee Secretary, 02 62773565
16 March 2000