Chair of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on the
National Crime Authority, Mr Peter Nugent MP, announced today that the
Committee had resolved to undertake an inquiry into the law enforcement
implications of new technology.
Mr Nugent stated:
The Committee is aware of mounting concern about
the capacity of law enforcement to prevent criminals from using new
technologies to their advantage. Agencies like the NCA have warned
that technology opens up a whole range of new opportunities for criminals.
That same technology may, however, hold the key to improved policing.
The Committee therefore proposes to conduct a comprehensive inquiry
into the implications of new technologies for law enforcement. In
particular, the Committee wants to determine whether the legislative
regime underpinning agencies like the NCA supports their efforts to
both combat technology-related crime and to maximise the use of technology
in pursuing offenders.
The terms of reference for the inquiry are:
- whether use of new technology by law enforcement agencies is adequately
catered for by Commonwealth, State and Territory legislation;
- the extent to which electronic commerce facilitates the laundering
of the proceeds of crime; and
- whether international law enforcement cooperation is adequate to
meet the challenges of new technology.
The Committee invites interested persons or organisations
wishing to express their views to lodge submissions with the Committee
by Friday, 11 August 2000.
For further information:
Mr Peter Nugent MP, Committee Chair, 03 98873890
Mr Michael McLean, Committee Secretary, 02 62773565
29 June 2000