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The Committee recommends:


1.         that the re-allocation of resources required by police forces to compensate for the Authority's changed emphasis be given urgent attention. (para. 5.16)


2.         that there be continuing review of the potential for duplication of intelligence functions between the Authority, the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Bureau of Criminal Intelligence. (para. 5.51)


3.         that the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security be given jurisdiction to investigate complaints against the Authority, its staff and those seconded to work for it. (para. 6.77)


4.         that the Attorney-General's Department, in consultation with the Privacy Commissioner, develop specific privacy guidelines to cover the Authority's activities. (para. 6.92)


5.         (a)       that paragraph 55(2)(a) of the NCA Act be amended by deleting the words ‘a matter relating to’;

            (b)       that paragraph 55(2)(b) be amended to make it clear that the expression ‘findings’ refers only to major matters formally declared by the Authority to be findings at the time they are made, and does not include all conclusions reached by the Authority; and

            (c)        that paragraph 55(2)(b) be amended to make clear that it does not prevent the Committee reviewing alleged maladministration within the Authority or the general adequacy of procedures used by the Authority, even if the end result of the Authority's use of the procedures is the making of a ‘finding’ in particular cases. (para. 7.29)



6.         that section 51 of the NCA Act be amended so as to make clear that section 51 does not prevent members and staff of the Authority providing any information or documents to the Committee, or appearing before it. (para. 7.37)


7.         that the Government support the amendments set out in clause four of the National Crime Authority (Duties and Powers of Parliamentary Joint Committee) Amendment Bill, introduced into the Senate by Senator Spindler on 21 December 1990, subject to the following qualifications:


            (a)       that the Bill should expressly apply to all forms of disclosure, not just disclosure in reports to the Parliament; and


            (b)       that the Bill should expressly cover all aspects of disclosure in a dissent by a Committee member to a report by the Committee


            (c)        that the Commonwealth Minister with portfolio respon­sibility for the Authority should be the arbiter, not a Federal Court judge as provided for in the Bill. (para. 7.56)


8.         that the NCA Act be amended so as to confer a discretion on an Authority member to hold investigative hearings in public. (para. 7.111)


9.         that at an appropriate time in the future the appointment of Authority Chairman be formally reviewed. (para. 8.142)


10.       that consideration be given to appointing a senior police officer, either serving or retired, as a Member of the Authority. (para. 8.158)


11.       that the Attorney-General's Department consider the effect of section 12 of the NCA Act and address any ambiguities that may exist in subsection 12(4). (para. 8.166)


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