Additional comments by the Liberal and Family First members of the committee

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Additional comments by the Liberal and Family First members of the committee

The Liberal and Family First members of the Committee believe that outlaw motorcycle gangs are serious criminal organisations and to believe otherwise is a dangerous misconception. Outlaw motorcycle gangs are a major player in serious and organised crime in Australia, particularly in the illegal drug trade.

The Report’s recommendations do not directly target the dismantling of organised crime gangs or criminal syndicates. The Liberal and Family First members of the Committee strongly believe that anti-association laws/and or laws specifically aimed at dismantling organised crime groups are a crucial element of legislative arrangements to control organised crime groups involved in serious and organised crime.

Internationally, laws targeting criminal associations have been used with great effect:

The Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act 2008 in South Australia includes anti-association provisions, as does the Crime (Criminal Organisations) Act 2009 in NSW, and the Queensland Government has signalled its intention to implement similar anti-association laws.

Therefore, we strongly support national anti-association laws that target known criminal associates involved in organised crime.

It is our view that both anti-association laws AND unexplained wealth provisions are necessary in targeting serious and organised crime.


Senator Sue Boyce

Senator Steve Fielding

The Hon. Sussan Ley MP

Senator Stephen Parry

Mr Jason Wood MP

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