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Inquiry into the legislative arrangements to outlaw serious and organised crime groups

Terms of Reference

Pursuant to the Committee's duties set out in paragraph 55(1)(b) of the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002,

(b)  to report to both Houses of the Parliament, with such comments as it thinks fit, upon any matter appertaining to the ACC or connected with the performance of its functions to which, in the opinion of the Committee, the attention of the Parliament should be directed;

the committee will examine the effectiveness of legislative efforts to disrupt and dismantle serious and organised crime groups and associations with these groups, with particular reference to:

(a) international legislative arrangements developed to outlaw serious and organised crime groups and association to those groups, and the effectiveness of these arrangements;

(b) the need in Australia to have legislation to outlaw specific groups known to undertake criminal activities, and membership of and association with those groups;

(c) Australian legislative arrangements developed to target consorting for criminal activity and to outlaw serious and organised crime groups, and membership of and association with those groups, and the effectiveness of these arrangements;

(d) the impact and consequences of legislative attempts to outlaw serious and organised crime groups, and membership of and association with these groups on:

  1. society
  2. criminal groups and their networks
  3. law enforcement agencies; and
  4. the judicial/legal system

(e) an assessment of how legislation which outlaws criminal groups and membership of and association with these groups might affect the functions and performance of the ACC.

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