Acronyms and Abbreviations List

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Acronyms and Abbreviations List

ACC                                      Australian Crime Commission

ICAC                                     Independent Commission Against Corruption

ICCPR                                   International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

NCA                                      National Crime Authority

the Minister                           Minister for Justice and Customs

the Act                                 Australian Crime Commission Act 2002

the Amending Act                   Australian Crime Commission Amendment Act 2007

the Bill                                  National Crime Authority Legislation Amendment Bill 2000

the Ombudsman                     the Commonwealth Ombudsman

the PJC/committee                 Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Australian Crime Commission

the Regulations                      Australian Crime Commission Regulations 2002

the Trowell Report                  Mr Mark Trowell QC, Independent Review of the Provisions o f the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002: Report to the Inter-Governmental Committee, March 2007

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