Appendix 5 - Australian Crime Commission Act 2002

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Appendix 5 - Australian Crime Commission Act 2002

Definition of organised crime: section 4

Section 4 of the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002 defines 'serious and organised crime' as an offence:

  1. that involves 2 or more offenders and substantial planning and organisation; and
  2. that involves, or is of a kind that ordinarily involves, the use of sophisticated methods and techniques; and
  3. that is committed, or is of a kind that is ordinarily committed, in conjunction with other offences of a like kind; and
  4. that is a serious offence within the meaning of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, an offence of a kind prescribed by the regulations or an offence that involves any of the following:
    1. theft;
    2. fraud;
    3. tax evasion;
    4. money laundering;
    5. currency violations;
    6. illegal drug dealings;
    7. illegal gambling;
    8. obtaining financial benefit by vice engaged in by others;
    9. extortion;
    10. violence;
    11. bribery or corruption of, or by, an officer of the Commonwealth, an officer of a State or an officer of a Territory;
    12. perverting the course of justice;
    13. bankruptcy and company violations;
    14. harbouring of criminals;
    15. forging of passports;
    16. firearms;
    17. armament dealings;
    18. illegal importation or exportation of fauna into or out of Australia;
    19. cybercrime;
    20. matters of the same general nature as one or more of the matters listed above; and
  5. that is:
    1. punishable by imprisonment for a period of 3 years or more; or
    2. a serious offence within the meaning of the Proceeds of Crimes Act 2002;


  1. does not include an offence committed in the course of a genuine employers by a party to the dispute, unless the offence is committed in connection with, or as part of, a course of activity involving the commission of a serious and organised crime other than an offence so committed; and
  2. does not include an offence the time for the commencement of a prosecution for which has expired...

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