Media Release: Public hearing in Perth 30/04/07

Inquiry into the future impact of serious and organised crime on Australian society

Media Release: Public hearing in Perth 30/04/07

The Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Australian Crime Commission will conduct the first hearing of its inquiry into the future impact of serious and organised crime on Australian society on Monday 30 April 2007. The hearing venue is the Legislative Assembly Committee Office, Level 1, 11 Harvest Terrace, Perth.

The Committee chair, Senator the Hon. Ian Macdonald' said today that the inquiry would focus on the strategies to combat serious and organised crime in a future that will undoubtedly be characterised by the increased use of technology. Senator Macdonald continued, 'The adequacy of all of the tools required for this task, such as legislation, and the availability of efficient data bases will be of particular interest to the Committee. I am hoping that from this inquiry we will be in a position to provide recommendations which will advance the response of the Australian community to this most insidious threat'.

The Committee will hold further hearings in Melbourne' Brisbane' Sydney and Canberra.

Senator the Hon. Ian Macdonald' Chair: (02) 6277 3722

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Australian Crime Commission
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3419
Fax: +61 2 6277 5866