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Review of the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002

In July 2005, the Committee resolved to undertake a Review of the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002. The Committee intends to report in late 2005, and has set a closing date for submissions of 18 August. Extensions of time to lodge submissions should be negotiated with the Committee Secretary prior to the closing date.

Written submissions are invited and should be addressed to:

The Secretary
Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Australian Crime Commission
Suite S1 107
Parliament House
Canberra  ACT  2600

The Committee prefers to receive submissions electronically as an attached document – e-mail:

Submissions become Committee documents and are made public only after a decision by the Committee. Persons making submissions must not release them without the approval of the Committee. Submissions are covered by parliamentary privilege but the unauthorised release of them is not.

Following consideration of submissions, the Committee will hold public hearings. The Committee will consider all submissions and may invite individuals and organisations to give evidence at the public hearings.

 Information relating to Senate Committee inquiries, including notes to assist in the preparation of submissions for a Committee, can be located on the internet at

For further details contact the Committee Secretary, Phone: (02) 6277 3598 Fax: (02) 6277 5866 E-mail:

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Australian Crime Commission
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3419
Fax: +61 2 6277 5866