Appendix 1

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Appendix 1


1 T.C. Boxall
2 Mr Leonard Banks
3 Mr Raymond Johnstone
4 Mr G.J. Cusack, QC
5 New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties Inc.
6 Director of Public Prosecutions Queensland
7 & 7a Mr Peter Cleeland
8 & 8a Western Australia Police Service
9 Confidential
10 Confidential
11 Mr B.W. Hamilton, JP
12 Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre
13 Commonwealth Law Enforcement Board
14 & 14a National Crime Authority
15 Queensland Minister for Police and Corrective Services and Minister for Racing
16 Chief Minister, Northern Territory Government
17 ACT Attorney-General
18 Western Australian Minister for Police
19 Mr M Skrijel
20 Commissioner of Taxation
21 Australian Federal Police
22 Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions
23 Director of Public Prosecutions, New South Wales
24 Australian Customs Service
25 Motor Traders' Association of New South Wales
26 Mr Peter D Scanlon
27 Mr Laurie Ames
28 Australian Securities Commission
29 South Australia Police
30 Criminal Justice Commission
31 New South Wales Minister for Police
32 Australian Bureau of Criminal Intelligence
33 Mr Bob Bottom
34 State Government of Victoria
35 & 35a Attorney-Generals Department
36 Mr John Elliott
37 South Australian Bar Association
38 Australian Federal Police Association
39 Police Federation of Australia & New Zealand
40 Director of Public Prosecutions, Victoria
41 Bar Association of Queensland
42 Ms Margaret Ropa
43 Mr Michael Rozenes, QC
44 The Hon. Mr Justice J.H. Philips, AC
45 Mr Duncan Kerr, MP
46 The Hon. R.J.L. Hawke, AC
47 The Hon. Lionel Bowen, AC
48 The Ombudsman Victoria
49 Mr Justice Stewart
50 Confidential

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