Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


The committee's duty to examine reports

1.1        The Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Australian Crime Commission (the committee) has a statutory duty under paragraph 55(1)(c) of the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002 (the Act) to examine each annual report of the Australian Crime Commission (ACC), and report to the Parliament on any matter appearing in, or arising out of, any such annual report.

1.2        This is part of the committee's wider duties under paragraphs 55(1)(a) and (b) of the Act to monitor, review and report on the ACC's performance of its statutory functions.

Report under consideration

1.3        The ACC's Annual Report 2007-08 (the Report) was presented out of sitting on 9 January 2009, and was tabled in both the Senate and House of Representatives on 3 February 2009.

Inquiry into the Report

1.4        In examining the Report, the committee held a public hearing at Parliament House, Canberra on 24 March 2009. The witnesses who appeared before the committee, the submissions received and answers to questions on notice are listed in Appendix 2.


1.5        The committee acknowledges the cooperation of the ACC Chief Executive Officer, Mr John Lawler APM, the former CEO, Mr Alistair Milroy, as well as other officers of the ACC. The ACC regularly provides the committee with written reports and briefings on its operation, and is always willing to assist the committee with its various inquiries. The committee is pleased that the ACC continues to be frank and forthcoming with the information it provides to the committee.

1.6        The committee thanks Mr Bob Bottom, whose expertise and experience with organised crime matters has greatly assisted the committee during this inquiry.

1.7        The committee wishes to record its appreciation and gratitude to Mr Alistair Milroy who retired from his position as Chief Executive Officer of the ACC in February 2009. Mr Milroy oversaw the establishment of the ACC in 2002 and the development of the organisation's strong foundations.

1.8        The committee also wishes to acknowledge the achievements of the Chair of the ACC Board, Australian Federal Police (AFP) Commissioner Mick Keelty. The committee notes that Commissioner Keelty will retire from his position as Commissioner of the AFP in September this year, and that consequently this will be Commissioner Keelty's last year as chair of the ACC Board. The committee acknowledges the valuable leadership Commissioner Keelty has provided to the ACC as chair of its Board.

Adoption of this Report

1.9        The committee adopted this report at a private meeting on 25 May 2009.

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