Appendix 3

List of child support inquiries and reports

The following table was compiled by the Australian Parliamentary Library at the request of the committee. The Child Support Scheme commenced operation on 1 June 1988 and is administered by two Acts. The Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1988 established the Child Support Agency (CSA) and provides for the registration, collection and enforcement of court orders and court-registered agreements for child support and spousal maintenance. The Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989 implements an administrative assessment of child support in accordance with a formula; and came into force on 1 October 1989.
Child support inquiries and reports
National Maintenance Inquiry, A maintenance agency for Australia, 1984.
Cabinet Sub-Committee on Maintenance, Discussion paper on child maintenance, October 1986.
Child Support Consultative Group, Child support: formula for Australia: a report from the Child Support Consultative Council, 1988.
K Funder, Financial support and relationships with children, Child Support Scheme Evaluation Study Report No. 6, Australian Institute of Family Studies, August 1989.
M Harrison et al, Who pays for the children?: A first look at the operation of Australia's new Child Support Scheme, Monograph No. 9, Australian Institute of Family Studies, 1990.
M Harrison et al, Paying for the children: Parent and employer experience of stage one of Australia's child support scheme, Monograph No. 10, Australian Institute of Family Studies, 1991.
Child Support Evaluation Advisory Group, Child support in Australia: Final report of the evaluation of the Child Support Scheme, 2 vols, 1992.
Joint Select Committee on Certain Family Law Issues, “Thanks for listening”: a report on the Child Support Inquiry Hotline, August 1993.
Joint Select Committee on Certain Family Law Issues, The operation and effectiveness of the Child Support Scheme, November 1994.1
Australian National Audit Office, Australian Taxation Office: Management of the Child Support Agency: efficiency audit, Audit Report No. 39, 1994.
Australian National Audit Office, Management of selected functions of the Child Support Agency, Audit Report No. 39, 1998.
Commonwealth Ombudsman, Child support overpayments: Child Support Agency: a case of give and take?, January 1998.
Commonwealth Ombudsman, Review of the Child Support Agency's complaint service, July 2001.
Australian National Audit Office, Client service in the Child Support Agency: Follow-up audit, Audit Report No. 7, 2002-03.
House Standing Committee Family and Community Affairs, Every picture tells a story: Inquiry into child custody arrangements in the event of family separation, Chapter 6, December 2003.
Ministerial Taskforce on Child Support, In the best interests of children–Reforming the Child Support Scheme, 2005.
B Smyth and R Weston, A snapshot of contemporary attitudes to child support, Report No. 13, Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2005.
Australian National Audit Office, Data integrity in the Child Support Agency, Performance Audit Report No. 16, 2007–08.
Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Report on the population impact of the new child support formula, August 2008.
Australian National Audit Office, Child support reforms: Stage one of the Child Support Scheme Reforms and improving compliance, Performance Audit Report No. 19, 2009–10.
Australian National Audit Office, Child support reforms: Building a better Child Support Agency, Performance Audit Report No. 46, 2009–10.
Australian Law Reform Commission, Family violence and Commonwealth laws–Improving legal frameworks, Report No. 117, November 2011. See: Part D-Child support and family assistance (Chapters 11–14)
Australian National Audit Office, The Child Support Program's management of feedback, Performance Audit Report, 37, 2011–12.
Australian National Audit Office, Review of child support objections, Performance Audit Report, 28, 2013–14.
House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Issues, From conflict to cooperation: Inquiry into the Child Support Program, July 2015.
Australian National Audit Office, Child support collection arrangements between the Department of Human Services and the Australian Taxation Office, Performance Audit Report, 50, 2016–17.

  • 1
    . This was the first parliamentary inquiry into the operation and effectiveness of the Child Support Scheme.

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