Appendix 1

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Appendix 1

Section 249 Australian Securities Commission Act 1989

249. (1) The Minister may make with an appropriate officer of a State or Territory an arrangement about any matter connected with:

a) the administration of a national scheme law; or

b) the performance or exercise of a function or power of the Commission or the Advisory Committee.

(2) An arrangement may be made under subsection (1) about:

(a) the transfer to the Commission, the Advisory Committee or the Commonwealth of books in the possession of, or of an authority of, the State or Territory, or of copies of such books;

(b) the acquisition or use, by the Commission, the Advisory Committee or the Commonwealth, of offices or facilities of, or of an authority of, the State or Territory; or

(c) a delegation under section 102 to an authority of the State or Territory or to an officer or employee of, or of an authority of, the State or Territory.

(3) An arrangement under subsection (1) may provide for the State or Territory to make available, from time to time as agreed under the arrangement, a person who is, or persons each of whom is, an officer or employee of, or of an authority of, the State or Territory to perform services for the Commission or the Advisory Committee in connection with the performance or exercise of any of the functions or powers of the Commission or the Advisory Committee, as the case may be.

(4) An arrangement under subsection (1) may provide for the Commonwealth to reimburse the State or Territory in respect of matters to which the arrangement relates.

(5) Nothing in this section limits the generality of anything else in it.

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