

Chapter 1 - Introduction and background to the bill

[1]        Bernard Pulle, Barbara Harris and Paige Darby, Tax Laws Amendment (Election Commitments No. 1) Bill 2008, Income Tax (Managed Investment Trust Withholding Tax) Bill 2008, Income Tax (Managed Investment Trust Transitional) Bill 2008, Bills Digest Nos 145–147, Parliamentary Library, 18 June 2008, pp. 5–6.

[2]        Section 9, Corporations Act 2001

[3]        Explanatory Memorandum, p. 6.

[4]        They are: Argentina; Bermuda; Canada; China; Czech Republic; Denmark; Fiji; Finland; France; Germany; Hungary; India; Indonesia; Ireland; Italy; Japan; Kiribati; Malta; Mexico; Netherlands; Netherlands Antilles; New Zealand; Norway; Papua New Guinea; Poland; Romania; Russia; Slovakia; South Africa; Spain; Sri Lanka; Sweden; Taipei; Thailand; United Kingdom; United States of America; Vietnam; Antigua and Barbuda; British Virgin Islands; Isle of Man; Jersey; Gibraltar; Guernsey Belize; Cayman Islands; The Commonwealth of the Bahamas; Principality of Monaco; The Republic of San Marino; The Republic of Singapore; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Anguilla; Aruba; Belgium; Malaysia; Turks and Caicos Islands; Cook Islands; Macau; Mauritius; and the Republic of Korea.

[5]        National Australian Built Environment Rating System, (accessed 18 October 2012).

[6]        Labor and Democrats Dissenting Report, Senate Standing Committee on Economics report into the Tax Laws Amendment (2007 Measures No.3) Bill 2007 [Provisions], Canberra, 6 June 2007. p. 34. See Bernard Pulle, Barbara Harris and Paige Darby, Tax Laws Amendment (Election Commitments No. 1) Bill 2008, Income Tax (Managed Investment Trust Withholding Tax) Bill 2008, Income Tax (Managed Investment Trust Transitional) Bill 2008, Bills Digest Nos 145–147, Parliamentary Library, 18 June 2008, pp. 5–6.

[7]        The Hon. Simon Crean MP (then Shadow Minister for Trade and Regional Development), A strong future for Australia’s exports, Media Release, Canberra, 21 November 2008.

[8]        The Hon. Wayne Swan MP, 'Establishing Australia as a Regional Financial Hub', Media Release, Canberra, 13 May 2008.  

[9]        An entity is a resident of an information exchange country if:

(a) the entity is a resident of that country for the purposes of the taxation laws of that country; or

(b) if there are no taxation laws of that country applicable to the entity or the entity's residency status cannot be determined under those laws:

(i) for an individual—the individual is ordinarily resident in that country; or

(ii) for another entity—the entity is incorporated or formed in that country and is carrying on a business in that country.

[10]      Budget Paper No. 2, p. 31, (accessed 17 October 2012)

[11]      The Hon. David Bradbury MP, Assistant Treasurer; The Hon. Mark Dreyfus MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, 'Withholding Tax Rate Bill Wins Senate Support', Joint media release, 27 June 2012.

[12]      Mr Peter Verwer, Chief Executive, Property Council of Australia, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics, Committee Hansard, 4 June 2012, p. 34.

[13]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 5.

[14]      The Hon. David Bradbury MP, Assistant Treasurer, Second Reading Speech, House of Representatives Hansard, 10 October 2012, p. 11.

[15]      The Hon. David Bradbury MP, Assistant Treasurer, Second Reading Speech, House of Representatives Hansard, 10 October 2012, p. 11.

[16]      Treasury, Clean Building MITs concessional tax rate, Consultation, (accessed 17 October 2012).

Chapter 2 - The provisions of the bill

[1]        Explanatory Memorandum, p. 7.

[2]        Explanatory Memorandum, p. 7.

[3]        Proposed section 12-425 of the Taxation Administration Act 1953

[4]        Explanatory Memorandum, p. 8.

[5]        Explanatory Memorandum, p. 8.

[6]        Proposed section 12-425 of the Taxation Administration Act 1953

[7]        Explanatory Memorandum, p. 9.

[8]        Explanatory Memorandum, p. 10.

[9]        Explanatory Memorandum, p. 10.

[10]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 11.

[11]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 11.

[12]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 12.

Chapter 3 - Views on the bill

[1]        Proposed paragraph 12-430(1)(a) of the Taxation Administration Act

[2]        Explanatory Memorandum, paragraph 1.30.

[3]        Property Council of Australia, Submission 5, p. 9.

[4]        Property Council of Australia, Submission 5, p. 9.

[5]        Green Building Council of Australia, Submission 2, p. 4; Green Building Council of Australia, submission to Treasury, 13 September 2012, p. 3.

[6]        Green Building Council of Australia, Submission 2, p. 4.

[7]        City of Melbourne, Submission 4, p. 3.

[8]        Sustainable Melbourne Fund, Submission 3, p. 1.

[9]        Sustainable Melbourne Fund, Submission 3, p. 2.

[10]      Sustainable Melbourne Fund, Submission 3, p. 2.

[11]      Draft Explanatory Memorandum, paragraph 1.20.

[12]      Green Building Council of Australia, Submission to Treasury, 13 September 2012, p. 3.

[13]      Green Building Council of Australia, Submission to Treasury, 13 September 2012, p. 3.

[14]      Proposed subsection 12-430(2) of the Taxation Administration Act 1953

[15]      Explanatory Memorandum, paragraph 1.27.

[16]      Green Building Council of Australia, Submission 2, p. 3.

[17]      Green Building Council of Australia, Submission 2, p. 6; Property Council of Australia, Submission 5, p. 8.

[18]      Green Building Council of Australia, Submission 2, p. 3.

[19]      Property Council of Australia, Submission 5, p. 14.

[20]      Green Building Council of Australia, Submission 2, p. 4.

[21]      Green Building Council of Australia, Submission 2, p. 4.

[22]      Green Building Council of Australia, Submission 2, p. 4.

[23]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 10.

[24]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 10.

[25]      Green Building Council of Australia, Submission 2, p. 4.

[26]      Green Building Council of Australia, Submission 2, p. 2.

[27]      Property Council of Australia, submission to Treasury, p. 3.

[28]      Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, Submission to Treasury, 11 September 2012, p. 3.

[29]      Green Building Council of Australia, Submission 2, p. 2.

[30]      Property Council of Australia, Submission 5, p. 5.

[31]      Green Building Council of Australia, Submission 2, p. 2; Property Council of Australia, Submission 5, p. 10.

[32]      The committee does draw attention to Recommendation 2 (above).

[33]      Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, Submission 6, p. 1.