Appendix 2 - Public Hearings and Witnesses

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Appendix 2 - Public Hearings and Witnesses


Self-Managed Super Fund Professionals' Association of Australia Ltd
Mr Graeme Colley, Director,
Mr David Ruddiman, Director, and Chair of Regulatory Committee
Mrs Andrea Slattery, Chief Executive Officer

Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia
Ms Philippa Smith AM, Chief Executive Officer
Dr Michaela Anderson, Director, Policy and Research
Dr Pragnell, Principal Policy Adviser
Mr Ross Clare, Mr Ross William, Principal Researcher

Financial Planning Association of Australia Ltd
Ms Jo-Anne Bloch, Chief Executive Officer
Ms Glenese Keavney, Member, Superannuation Committee
Mr Brian Pollock, Member, Superannuation Committee
Mr Keith Powell, Member, Superannuation Committee
Mr John Anning, Manager, Policy and Government Relations

REST Superannuation
Mr Damian Hill, Chief Executive Officer
Ms Brenda Mills, Manager, Legal Risk and Compliance

Rainmaker Information Pty Ltd
Mr Alex Dunnin, Executive Director, Editorial and Research

Investment and Financial Services Association Ltd
Mr Richard Gilbert, Chief Executive Officer
Mr David O’Reilly, Policy Director



Superpartners Pty Ltd
Mr Frank Gullone, Chief Executive Officer
Mr Paul Collins, Manager, Legal Services

Members Equity Bank
Mr Anthony Beck, Head, Workplace Business and Direct Marketing

CPA Australia
Mr Michael Davison, Superannuation Policy Adviser
Ms Noelle Kelleher, Member, Financial Advisory Services Centre of Excellence

Mercer Human Resource Consulting Pty Ltd
Mr John Ward, Principal and Manager
Mr David Knox, Principal

Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees
Ms Susan Ryan AO, President
Mr David Coogan, Treasurer
Ms Fiona Reynolds, Director
Ms Peta-Gai McLaughlin, Manager, Legal and Compliance

Equipsuper Pty Ltd
Mr Robin Burns, Chief Executive Officer
Mr Barry Anderson, Company Secretary
Ms Cynthia Lui, Corporate Lawyer

Industry Funds Forum
Mr Ian Silk, Convenor
Mr Paul Watson, Executive Member
Ms Helen Hewett, Executive Officer



Mr Chris Legg, General Manager, Financial System Division
Mr André Moore, Manager, Prudential Policy, Superannuation and Insurance Unit, Financial System Division
Mr David Love, Manager, Investor Protection Unit, Corporations and Financial Services Division
Ms Erica Lejins, Senior Adviser, Superannuation and Retirement Savings Division

Australian Tax Office
Ms Raelene Vivian, Deputy Commissioner, Superannuation
Mr Stuart Forsyth, Assistant Commissioner, Superannuation

Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Mr Malcolm Rodgers, Commissioner (A/g), and Executive Director, Regulation
Ms Delia Rickard, ACT Regional Commissioner & Deputy Executive Director, Consumer Protection & International
Mr Mark Adams, Director, Policy and Research
Ms Louise du Pré, Assistant Director, Super/Life (PDS Disclosure)

Association of Financial Advisers
Mr Richard Klipin, Chief Executive Officer
Mr Dennis Bateman, National President
Mr Michael Murphy, Past President
Mr Mervin Reed, Member

Association of Independent Retirees
Mr Robert Lind, National President
Mrs Helen Sava, Company Secretary
Dr Barry Ritchie, Chairman, Retirees Income Research Group



Superannuation Complaints Tribunal
Mr Graham McDonald, Chairperson
Ms Jocelyn Furlan, Deputy Chairperson
Mrs Katy Adams, Legal Counsel

Ms Ann Byrne, Chief Executive Officer
Mr Paul Murphy, Executive Manager, Marketing and Business Development,

Corporate Superannuation Association
Mr Mark Cerche, Chairman
Mr Bruce McBain, Chief Executive Officer

Australian Council of Trade Unions
Mr Nixon Apple, Industry and Investment Policy Advisor
Ms Catharine Bowtell, Industrial Officer



Recruiting and Consulting Services Association and Professional Association Superannuation Limited
Mr Kevin Beasley, Chief Executive Officer (PASL)
Mr Ross Fisher, Chair, Taxation and Superannuation Committee (RCSA)

Industry Super Network
Mr Garry Weaven, Spokesperson
Mr David Whiteley, Executive Manager
Ms Robbie Campo, Project Manager

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Mr Michael Potter, Director, Economics and Taxation
Mr Daniel Mammone, Workplace Relations Adviser
Mr Dick Grozier, Director, Industrial Relations, New South Wales Business Chamber

Health Super Pty Ltd
Mr Christopher Clausen, Chief Executive Officer

Mr David Elia, Chief Executive Officer
Mr David Elmslie, Independent Chair
The Hon Peter Collins, AM, QC, Director
Mr Bob Hinkley, Independent Director
Mr Brian Daley, Member Director and Deputy Chair
Mr Mark Robertson, Employer Director



SuperRatings Pty Ltd
Mr Jeff Bresnahan, Managing Director

Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia
Dr Barbara Carney, Manager, Government Relations
Mr Hugh Elvy, Manager, Financial Planning and Superannuation

Dr Nicholas Coates, Senior Policy Officer, Superannuation and Financial Services

Towbridge Deloitte
Mr Anthony Asher, Consultant
Mr Andrew Gale, Partner

Law Council of Australia
Mr Terry Brigden, Member, Superannuation Committee

Australian Industry Group
Dr Peter Burn, Associate Director, Public Policy

Mr Dallas McInerney, Government Affairs
Mr Steve Tucker, Chief Executive Officer

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
Mr Ross Jones, Deputy Chairman
Mr Keith Chapman, General Manager, Policy Development
Mr Senthamangalam Venkatramani, General Manager (Central), Specialised Institutions Division
Ms Merrie Hennessy, Adviser, Policy Development

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