Submissions received by the committee.

Inquiry into the Exposure Draft of the Corporations Amendment Bill (No 2) 2005

Submissions received by the committee.

Sub No.  

Telstra (PDF 236KB)

2 Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (PDF 72KB)
3 Australasian Investor Relations Association (PDF 84KB)
4 Australian Shareholders' Association Ltd (PDF 155KB)
5 Securities Institute of Australia (PDF 59KB)
6 Law Council of Australia (PDF 411KB)
7 AFSA - The Voice of Super (PDF 40KB)
8 Australian Automobile Association (PDF 105KB)
9 Australian Council of Super Investors (PDF 562KB)
10 Chartered Secretaries Australia Ltd (PDF 114KB)
11 Insurance Australia Group (PDF 141KB)
13 Macquarie Bank (PDF 1297KB)
14 Australian Council of Trade Unions (PDF 97KB)
15 Mutual Strategies Pty Limited (PDF 137KB)
16* Business Council of Australia (PDF 154KB)
17 Australian Institute of Company Directors (PDF 401KB)
18 NSW Young Lawyers (PDF 851KB)
19 Finance Sector Union of Australia (PDF 80KB)
20** Professor Stephen Bottomley (PDF 46KB)
21 Blake Dawson Waldron (PDF 1094KB
22 National Institute of Accountants (PDF 16KB)
23 Investment and Financial Services Association Ltd (PDF 36KB)
24 Mr Ted Rofe (PDF 146KB)
25 The Corporate Research Group (PDF 56KB)
26 Commercial Law Association of Australia Limited (PDF 93KB)
27 Credit Union Services (Aust) Limited (PDF 63KB)
27a Credit Union Services (Aust) Limited (PDF 41KB)
28 Australian Stock Exchange (PDF 110KB)
29 NRMA (PDF 560KB)

* An appendix to the submission entitled Fresh Approaches to Communication between Companies and their Shareholders is available from the secretariat.

** An appendix to the submission The Role of Shareholders' Meetings in Improving Corporate Governance is available from the secretariat.

For further information or to obtain hard copies of submissions, contact:

Committee Secretary
Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3583
Fax: +61 2 6277 5719