Members of the Committee

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Members of the Committee

Senator Grant Chapman, Chairman
Senator Penny Wong, Deputy Chair

Senator George Brandis
Senator Stephen Conroy
Senator Andrew Murray
Mr Anthony Byrne MP
Mr Steven Ciobo MP
Mr Alan Griffin MP
Mr Gregory Hunt MP
Mr Stewart McArthur MP


Dr Kathleen Dermody, Secretary
Ms Bronwyn Meredith, Principal Research Officer
Dr Frank Donnan, Principal Research Officer
Ms Cheryl Hardiman, Executive Assistant
Ms Angela Lancsar, Executive Assistant


Acronyms and Abbreviations

ASIC Australian Securities and Investments Commission
FSR Act Financial Services Reform Act 2001
FSR licence Australian Financial Services Licence
FSR licensee Australian Financial Services Licensee
FPA Financial Planning Association of Australia Limited
ICAA The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia
ITAA Income Tax Assessment Act 1936
Law Council Law Council of Australia
Licence Australian Financial Services Licence
Licensee Australian Financial Services Licensee
NTAA National Tax & Accountants’ Association
NIA National Institute of Accountants
PS 146 ASIC Policy Statement 146:  Licensing: Training of financial product advisers
RIS Regulation impact statement
SMSF Self-managed superannuation fund
TAI Taxpayers Australia Inc
TIA Taxation Institute of Australia

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