Chapter 1 - Conduct of the Inquiry

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Chapter 1 - Conduct of the Inquiry

1.1        Following release of the draft Financial Services Reform Bill, the Parliamentary Joint Statutory Committee on Corporations and Securities resolved, on 8 March 2000, to hold an inquiry into the draft Bill. 

1.2        On 11 March 2000, the Committee advertised nationally inviting submissions from interested parties. Written submissions in all totalled 67. A list of those who made submissions is included as Appendix 1 to this report.

1.3        Public hearings were held in Canberra on 17 July 2000, in Sydney on 24 July 2000 and in Melbourne on 25 July 2000. A list of witnesses who appeared before the Committee is shown in Appendix 2.

1.4        All submissions and the Hansard of the Committee’s hearings on the draft Bill are tabled with this report. Copies of submissions are available on request from the Committee staff on (02 6277 3580). The Hansard of the hearings is available at the Committee site on the Internet (

1.5        The Committee acknowledges the assistance of those who made submissions or who appeared as witnesses, many of whom did so at short notice. The Committee is grateful for this assistance.

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