Chapter 2 The Proposed Works

Joint Standing Committee on Public Works

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Redevelopment of Willis Island Meteorological Office, Coral Sea

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Chapter 2 The Proposed Works

Options considered
Project delivery



The Bureau’s meteorological station at Willis Island was established in 1921. Most of the current facilities on the island were constructed in either 1950 or 1968 and are either nearing the end of, or have already exceeded, their useful economic lives.1


The Bureau’s assessment of Willis Island identified a need for redeveloping the facilities, based on:




The proposed work is intended to replace facilities on Willis Island that enable the Bureau to staff, operate and house its meteorological office. Facilities earmarked for replacement have significantly deteriorated and exceeded their economic lives, and also present potential health and safety hazards.3


The proposal includes demolition and removal of existing facilities, and replacement with a new, more appropriate facility that meets current and expected future requirements.4




The proposal includes the demolition and removal of the following facilities:


The following existing system elements are proposed for reuse:


The proposal includes the construction of the following new facilities and services:


The new facility will incorporate a central north-south corridor linking a series of five functional wings:


The proposed facility will support a four-person deployment. The proposal allows for a six-monthly resupply and staff changeover period, during which the facilities will be required to accommodate a further 15 persons (incoming crew, Bureau support personnel and maintenance contractors) for about three days.9


Options Considered


The Bureau considered a number of options, with the feasibility of each assessed on the basis of its responsiveness to meteorological requirements, capital rebuild and re-equipment costs, maintenance costs and risk.10 Based on its investigations, the Bureau concluded that the fully-staffed observations program, requiring the proposed redevelopment, was the best option.11

Project delivery


The Bureau initiated a temporary, 18-month de-staffing of Willis Island meteorological office on 2 June 2004 to enable refurbishment of the facilities, with ongoing synoptic observations from Willis Island being provided by an Automatic Weather Station (AWS) system to provide basic monitoring functions until the full operations are restored.


Subject to parliamentary approval, the Bureau proposes to commence construction immediately, with works targeted for completion by the end of 2005, before the commencement of the 2005-06 tropical cyclone season.12




In its main submission to the Committee, the Bureau identified the estimated cost of construction as $7 million.13 This cost was later revised to $7.691 million due to the inclusion of professional fees. 14


1 Appendix C, Submission No. 1 from the Bureau of Meteorology, paragraphs 9 - 10 Back
2 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 9 Back
3 ibid, paragraphs 7 and 9 - 10 Back
4 ibid, paragraph 20 Back
5 ibid, paragraph 21 Back
6 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 8 Back
7 ibid, paragraph 23 Back
8 ibid, paragraph 24 Back
9 ibid Back
10 ibid, paragraphs 11 - 12 Back
11 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 18 Back
12 ibid, paragraphs 5 and 16 Back
13 ibid, paragraphs 11 - 12 Back
14 Appendix D, Official Transcript of Evidence, page 13 Back

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