Chapter 2 The Proposed Works

Joint Standing Committee on Public Works

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

New East Building for the Australian War Memorial, Canberra, ACT

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Chapter 2 The Proposed Works

Project Delivery
Value for Money



The AWM proposes to construct a new staff and storage facility adjacent to the main building in order to allow for the redevelopment of the Post 1945 Conflicts galleries. This redevelopment will assist the AWM to achieve the vision expressed in its Corporate Plan, which is to make the Memorial a pre-eminent national institution.1




Visitors and veterans have expressed considerable dissatisfaction with the Memorial’s Post 1945 Conflicts galleries.2 In keeping with its vision statement, the AWM intends to redevelop these galleries to the same world-class standard as its other exhibits.3


Surveys have indicated that the existing Post 1945 Conflicts galleries rate lowest in terms of visitor satisfaction. The display space currently available in the gallery is only one third that available to the Second World War galleries.4 This allows for only a limited coverage of operations and experience, and does not permit the display of a number of the larger important iconic objects relating to subsequent conflicts.5


The AWM contends that contemporary world events have increased public awareness of “the limited treatment given to recent conflicts” and that to defer the expansion of the gallery would “greatly increase the level of stakeholder alienation and dissatisfaction…”6




The AWM proposes to construct a new building of some 3, 000 square metres to the east of its main building. It is envisaged that the new facility will:


Specific work elements required to meet the AWM’s objectives include:


Project Delivery


It is proposed that the East Building project be delivered by means of a Document and Construct contract, managed by a Head Contractor.8 The AWM argues that this methodology will

“…allow the AWM to have total control of the design while substantially reducing the cost of risk overruns during construction due to documentation discrepancies.”9


Subject to Public Works Committee approval, the AWM plans to call for tenders in late 2004 with a view to completing construction by March 2006.10


The AWM anticipates that this timeline will permit the redevelopment of the Post 1945 Conflicts galleries to be completed by 2007, to coincide with several significant military anniversaries.11



The proposed work is estimated to cost $11.6 million. This figure includes:


The cost estimate excludes:


Value for Money


A number of options for the redevelopment of the Post 1945 galleries were examined in a business case. The AWM has determined that the most cost-effective means of achieving its aim is to relocate some collection, staff and back-of-house functions to a new facility, thereby releasing some 1, 700 square metres of exhibition space for the Post 1945 galleries and Discovery Room.13


The redevelopment of the Post 1945 galleries to the same standards as the Memorial’s other upgraded galleries will result in greater visitor and veteran satisfaction.14


The proposed design complies with the heritage requirements of the National Capital Authority (NCA), Australian Heritage Council and Department of Environment and Heritage. In addition, the design reflects the AWM’s functional brief and will cater for future growth in collections and activities.15


In terms of broader public value, the project will provide a boost to the local construction industry. Approximately 80 people will be employed during the peak construction phase.16



Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 1 Back

2 ib id, paragraph 10 Back
3 ib id, paragraph 4 Back
4 ib id, paragraph 12 Back
5 ib id, paragraphs 10 - 11 Back
6 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 12 Back
7 ib id, paragraph 27 Back
8 ib id, paragraph 163 Back
9 ib id, paragraph 164 Back
10 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 165 Back
11 ib id, paragraph 14 Back
12 ib id, paragraph 162 Back
13 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 5 Back
14 ib id, paragraph 166 Back
15 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 167 and paragraph 169 Back
16 ib id, paragraph 168 Back

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