
Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Construction of new warehousing facilities at Wadsworth Barracks, East Bandiana, Vic

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On Tuesday 2 September 2008, the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works tabled its report on the inquiry into Construction of new warehousing facilities at Wadsworth Barracks, East Bandiana, Vic entitled Referrals tabled March-June 2008.

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Report accessibility:

If you have difficulty accessing the report, please contact the Committee Secretariat.

This report is comprised of 12 preliminary pages, 5 chapters, and 2 appendices.

Referrals tables March-June 2008

Preliminary pages (PDF 83KB)
Contents, Foreword, Committee Membership, List of Abbreviations and List of Recommendations

Chapter 1 (PDF 69KB)

Chapter 2 (PDF 99KB)
Proposed Fit-Out of New Leased Premises for the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations at Block 9, Section 31, Canberra, ACT

Chapter 3 (PDF 102KB)
Construction of the Australian Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo 2010, China

Chapter 4 (PDF 194KB)
Bridging of Kings Avenue over Parkes Way at the Russell Roundabout, Canberra, ACT

Chapter 5 (PDF 114KB)
Construction of New Warehousing Facilities at Wadsworth Barracks, East Bandiana, VIC

Appendix A (PDF 37KB)
LIst of submissions

Appendix B (PDF 40KB)
List of hearings, witnesses and inspections