Chapter 3 Issues and Conclusions

Chapter 3 Issues and Conclusions

Transport Issues
Car Parking
Other Forms of Transport
Project Delay
Codes and Standards
Australian Building Greenhouse Rating
Fire Standards
Disabled Access

Transport Issues

Car Parking


The ATO informed the Committee that the new premises would provide 677 car parking spaces, with approximately 150 – 160 of these used for the executive service and fleet vehicles. The remaining car parking spaces will be allocated to staff through a ballot system and will be user-pays1. Further, the Committee heard that the building next door to the new premises would be a multi-story car park, which staff could use. The ATO is of the opinion that, as it already has premises in the city, the impact of the move on the staff’s current parking arrangements would be minimal2.

Other Forms of Transport


The ATO told the inquiry that, while it believed most people drove to work, the new premises would provide 437 bike racks, lockers and showers for those staff who choose to cycle to work3.


Project Delay


The Committee inquired what implications there would be for the ATO’s current leases if the construction of the new buildings were to be delayed in any way. The ATO responded that it had already extended two of its leases, and by the time the main building is due to come off-lease in December 2007, the ATO would be well into building B. Further, the ATO stated that the fact that it currently leases seven premises in the CBD, all with different lease expiry dates, gives it some flexibility in regard to construction delays4.

Codes and Standards

Australian Building Greenhouse Rating


In its submission, the ATO states that:

Section 84’s high performance building structure and application of sustainable design principles will ensure a high energy rating throughout the buildings’ life cycles.5


The new premises will have an Australian Building Greenhouse Rating (ABGR) of 4.5. The ATO informed the Committee that 12 months after occupation, the building would undergo an audit to ensure that this standard is being met. Further, this audit will occur every year6 and:

The lessor’s responsibility for ongoing environmental management of the building is specified in the lease7.



3.6 In response to questions about the security of the new premises, the ATO informed the Committee that moving from seven buildings into two would enhance security, as there would effectively be only two entry points and perimeter security would be easier to manage8 . Further, there would be closed circuit television cameras located at the new premises9 .

The ATO believes that there will be no collocation issues as Building C will be occupied by the ATO alone. While Building B will have retail and commercial premises below the ATO offices, access to the office tower will be controlled by entry via a dedicated level10. The ATO also informed the Committee that it is receiving external advice from a Security Construction and Equipment Committee (SCEC) approved consultant11.

Fire Standards


In its submission, the ATO states that there will be provision of fire services in accordance with Building Code of Australia (BCA) and local fire brigade authority requirements12.


The Committee heard that the building will contain:

Disabled Access


In response to queries relating to access, the ATO informed the Committee that disabled car parks would be provided, and that the buildings would comply with all the relevant codes and standards14.




The ATO submits that the budget for the fit-out of Section 84 is $66.08 million15. At a confidential briefing on project cost details, the ATO amended the amount to $76.879 million including GST. The Committee enquired into the reasons for the increase and was satisfied by the information provided by the ATO.


Recommendation 1

The Committee recommends that the works related to the fit-out of new leased premises of the Australian Taxation Office proceed at the estimated cost of $76.879 million, noting that any money saved due to lease incentives will be returned to Consolidated Revenue.




Hon Judi Moylan MP
10 May 2006



Appendix D, Official Transcript of Evidence, page 3 Back

2 ibid Back

ibid, page 4 Back


Appendix D, Official Transcript of Evidence, page 4 Back


Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 2.8.1 Back


Appendix D, Official Transcript of Evidence, page 5 Back


Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 2.8.6 Back


Appendix D, Official Transcript of Evidence, page 7 Back


ibid Back


ibid Back


Appendix D, Official Transcript of Evidence, page 7 Back


Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 2.12.1 Back


Appendix D, Official Transcript of Evidence, page 7 Back


ibid Back


Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 2.18.1 Back

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