Chapter 2 The Proposed Works

Chapter 2 The Proposed Works

Project Delivery



The purpose of the proposed work is to provide a resilient and secure secondary site that will enable the RBA to sustain all critical business and ITC functions if access to the Head Office (HO) should be lost due to malfunction or disruption of essential infrastructure.1


To fulfil this objective, the business resumption site (BRS) must:




The proposed work is required to enable the RBA to continue functions critical to the maintenance of Australia’s financial systems in the event of emergency. Such essential functions include:


The failure of the RBA’s critical operating systems would be unacceptable. In addition, the Attorney-General’s Infrastructure Directorate, has classified the RITS, Note Issue and Note Production services as “Major” elements of Australia’s National Critical Infrastructure. This categorisation is second only to the highest “Vital” designation. Another review prepared by the Attorney-General’s Business Banking and Financial Sector Infrastructure Assurance Advisory Group lists the RITS as “a critical element of operations in the financial sector”.6


The construction of a purpose-built BRS is further necessitated by the inability of the RBA’s current properties to fulfil adequately disaster recovery (DR) functions.7 It is believed that the current proposal will improve the bank’s business continuity arrangements by:




It is proposed that the new BRS facility will be a two-storey building of approximately 4,850 square metres, incorporating:


While the current staff requirement at the BRS is 220 staff, the new building will be designed to accommodate 250 staff, to allow for reasonable growth. The facility will be divided into separate permanent and emergency occupation areas, with the latter area remaining in a ‘lights out’ state unless required.12




In planning the business resumption site, the RBA considered a range of options against business, risk and financial criteria. Options considered included:


Project Delivery


It is proposed that the BRS project will be delivered via a fixed lump-sum contract following a competitive tender process. The RBA believes this methodology to be “optimal for the delivery of the quality required for a highly technical and specialised facility”. It is anticipated that, pending parliamentary approval, the facility will be operational in mid-2007.14




The estimated outturn cost of the proposed business resumption facility is $38 million. This figure includes:


1 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 20 Back
2 ibid, paragraph 21 Back
3 ibid, paragraph 22 Back
4 ibid, paragraph 23 Back
5 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 8 Back
6 ibid, paragraph 14 Back
7 ibid, paragraphs 15 – 19 and 24 - 25 Back
8 ibid, paragraph 28 Back
9 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraphs 35 - 42 Back
10 ibid paragraphs 75 - 88 Back
11 ibid, paragraphs 69 - 74 Back
12 ibid, paragraphs 37 - 38 Back
13 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraphs 31 - 33 Back
14 ibid, paragraphs 113 - 114 Back
15 ibid, paragraph 109 Back


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