Appendix A – List of Submissions

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Appendix A – List of Submissions

Proposed construction of a new Australian Embassy complex including Chancery and Head of Mission residence in Bangkok, Thailand

1.         Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

1.1       Confidential

1.2       Confidential

1.3       Confidential


Proposed HMAS Albatross redevelopment, Nowra, NSW

1.         Department of Defence

            1.1       Confidential

            1.2       Department of Defence

            1.3       Confidential

Proposed Royal Australian Air Force Base East Sale redevelopment, Sale, Victoria

1.         Department of Defence

            1.1       Confidential

            1.2       Department of Defence

2.         Wellington Shire Council

3.         Rotary Club of Sale Inc.

4.         Laser Plumbing Sale

5.         Mr Darren Chester MP

6.         Pilatus Australia Pty Ltd

7.         Committee for Gippsland

8.         Welling Shire Council

            8.1       Wellington Shire Council


LAND 17 Phase 1A Infrastructure Project

1.         Department of Defence

            1.1       Confidential

            1.2       Department of Defence

            1.3       Department of Defence

2.         Mrs Mary Harbeck



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