Chapter 2 The Proposed Works

Joint Standing Committee on Public Works

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Fit-Out of New Leased Premises for the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet at 1 National Circuit, Barton, ACT

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Chapter 2 The Proposed Works

Purpose and Suitability
Value for Money




PM&C’s current premises at 3-5 National Circuit in Barton provides accommodation measuring 11, 367m ².


In recent years, PM&C’s responsibilities and staffing levels have grown as the Department has hosted various task forces, created a National Security Division and enhanced its Cabinet support role with the establishment of a Cabinet Implementation Unit.


Originally configured for 350 people, the existing building presently accommodates 450 employees. The building is stretched to capacity and staff amenity is reduced as a consequence. The pressure on space has been exacerbated by:



The current building was constructed between 1976 and 1980 and was originally tenanted by the Public Service Board (PBS). It has proved difficult for PM&C to install security measures appropriate to its particular needs. Specifically:


Over time, PM&C has adapted the building to meet its operational requirements for perimeter security, secure meeting rooms and other secure environments. In so doing, additional problems have arisen. Space which was originally designed to be open plan has been partitioned to create secure areas. As a result air conditioning flows have been disrupted, further reducing staff amenity.3


Given the building’s unique design and lack of security consideration at the time of construction, and the demands of a changing global security climate, PM&C is finding it increasingly difficult to ensure that all appropriate security measures are put in place in the existing premises.4




PM&C intends to lease the new 1 National Circuit building for fifteen years, with one five-year option, and will be undertaking its own fit-out.


Works required to meet PM&C’s objectives comprise:


Purpose and Suitability


PM&C’s proposal seeks to:



The total estimated cost of the proposed fit-out project is $23 million. These costs include:


Value for Money


PM&C believes the proposed development to be a cost-effective property solution. PM&C’s current building owner Industry Superannuation Property Trust (ISPT) is the developer of 1 National Circuit. This offers a number of advantages. Specifically, ISPT;


As PM&C will be the sole tenant of the 1 National Circuit property, there are also operational and financial advantages to be gained from incorporating PM&C’s special requirements into the base-building structure.


In addition, PM&C is negotiating monetary incentives with ISPT in relation to the lease agreement.9


In terms of broader public value, it is expected that some direct employment opportunities will be created by the construction and fit-out of the proposed building.10


1 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 1.2 Back
2 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraphs 1.2.1 and 1.4.8 Back
3 ib id, paragraph 1.4.7 and paragraph 1.4.8 Back
4 ib id, paragraph 1.4.9 Back
5 ib id, paragraph 2.2.2 Back
6 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraphs 1.15, 1.2.1 and 1.3.1 Back
7 ib id, paragraph 2.18.1 Back
8 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 1.4.3 Back
9 ib id, paragraph 1.9.1 Back
10 ib id, paragraph 2.17.1 Back

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