Chapter 2 The Proposed Works

Chapter 2 The Proposed Works

Project Delivery



The objective of the DFAT works proposal is to fully refurbish three lightwells and Level Four of Australia House, London. Specifically, the proposal aims to raise the building to meet modern standards:



Australia House was constructed between 1913 and 1918, and is therefore, around ninety years old. Despite continued maintenance, decades of normal wear and tear, and exposure to the elements has necessitated the replacement of the original ‘Crittal’ window frames and glazing in the three building lightwells, and repairs to the drainage systems and brickwork.2 Associated work will include the erection of temporary structures required to execute the lightwell refurbishment, and to facilitate the entry and egress of materials and personnel required for the Level Four refurbishment.3


Refurbishment of Level Four, occupied by the Department of Defence, is required due to changes in Defence staffing, access and functions, and the ageing of the current fit-out. Ad hoc accommodation of operational functions over a number of years has resulted in a dysfunctional layout and a concomitant loss of efficiency. In addition, the facility no longer meets OH&S requirements. DFAT believes that a purpose-designed fit-out will enable increased operational efficiency as well as creating accommodation that will satisfy OH&S and Building Code of Australia (BCA) requirements.4



The proposed refurbishment project will entail:

Project Delivery


DFAT proposes a traditional project delivery methodology comprising detailed design, documentation, construction tendering and contracting. DFAT maintains that this method represents best value for money and gives the department full control of all project delivery stages.6It is proposed that a single fixed lump-sum construction contract will be awarded for the works.7



The estimated cost of the proposed works is $11.98 million. This figure includes:


1 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 2.2 Back
2 ibid, paragraph 2.3 Back
3 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 4.1 Back
4 ibid, paragraph 9.2 Back
5 ibid, paragraph 17.2 Back
6 ibid, paragraph 22.1 Back
7 ibid, paragraphs 29.2 – 29.3 Back
8 ibid, paragraphs 28.1 – 28.2 Back

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