Chapter 2 The Proposed Works

Chapter 2 The Proposed Works




The existing Chancery building was acquired and refurbished in 1961. For some time the premises have not provided appropriate accommodation for tenant agencies. While modifications have been made, security, access, services, layout, facilities and space are deficient. Specifically:


Construction of a new Chancery on the existing site was ruled out due to an inability to satisfy boundary setback, and other security requirements. 2




The proposed works encompass the following elements:




The purpose of the proposed work is to provide a new building to serve as Australia’s permanent mission to Laos. The facility will be capable of providing for functions, such as official receptions, exhibitions and trade displays, meetings, lectures and business missions, through the use of conference room and adjacent outside spaces.4


The new Chancery building will serve as Australia’s ongoing permanent mission to Laos and will be tenanted by:


DFAT state that the construction of a new Chancery on a greenfield site will offer the following advantages:


The new Chancery is being planned to meet current and future tenancy operational and technological requirements. The proposed layout will accommodate space for expansion and meet the Commonwealth’s security requirements for the protection of staff and visitors. DFAT anticipates that the development of a purpose built and managed asset on the owned site will allow the Commonwealth to manage and control the facility to provide reliable and self sufficient services not available in leased accommodation.6




The total estimated cost of the proposed development is $11 million based on May 2005 prices. This figure includes:



The cost estimate does not include provision of loose furniture or general office equipment. 8



1 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraphs 3.3 - 3.4 Back
2 ib id, paragraph 2.2 Back
3 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraphs 12.1 - 12.6 Back
4 ib id, paragraph 6.2 Back
5 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 5.1 Back
6 ib id, paragraph 3.5 Back
7 Confidential Briefing Paper, Public Hearing, page 3 Back
8 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 12.7 Back


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