Chapter 2 The Proposed Works

Chapter 2 The Proposed Works

Project Delivery



The proposed development will provide working and domestic accommodation and engineering services infrastructure required for the ongoing delivery of effective training at the Canungra Military Training Area.1 Redevelopment involves:




Buildings, facilities and infrastructure at Kokoda Barracks are ageing, do not meet current codes and standards and require redevelopment and upgrading. Training requirements, mentioned in the Defence White Paper Defence 2000 and considered a part of the Fundamental Inputs to Capability (FIC), reinforce the need to maintain intelligence training and associated facilities at Kokoda Barracks.3


Over 70 per cent of the buildings at Kokoda Barracks were constructed before 1975. Most of the pre-1975 buildings are timber-framed construction, clad with either timber or metal sheeting which require higher maintenance costs for structural repairs and repainting and are susceptible to termite damage. Most of the facilities, particularly those used for training delivery are equipped with outdated technology, do not meet Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) standards, and require high levels of maintenance.4


While the existing services infrastructure remains operational, it is ageing and some services such as water reticulation and sewer works require replacement or significant upgrade.


The efficient use of many buildings is no longer possible because of:




The proposed redevelopment of Kokoda Barracks involves:

Project Delivery

2.7 Subject to parliamentary approval, the redevelopment of Kokoda Barracks could commence in the latter half of 2005 with completion by January 2008.7
2.8 The delivery system proposed for this project is “Managing Contractor”. A Project Manager/Contract Administrator would also be appointed. The Managing Contractor arrangement would provide the benefit of a large construction firm managing design and construction, while promoting access for local small to medium enterprises through sub-contract design and construction trade packages. This arrangement would permit closer coordination of a number of individual works to ensure that Kokoda Barracks remains operational.8



The estimated outrun cost of the proposed redevelopment of Kokoda Barracks is $86.7 million, excluding GST. This figure includes:


1 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 11Back
2 ibid, paragraph 10 Back
3 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 17 Back
4 ibid, paragraph 9 Back
5 ibid Back
6 ibid, paragraph 54 Back
7 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 18 Back
8 ibid, paragraph 81 Back
9 ibid, paragraph 39 Back

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