Chapter 2 The Proposed Works

Joint Standing Committee on Public Works

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Construction of Housing for Defence at Fairview Rise, Ipswich, Queensland

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Chapter 2 The Proposed Works

Project Delivery



DHA proposes the project will provide modern community standard housing to meet the operational needs of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and the requirements of the Department of Defence (Defence) in south-east Queensland, particularly for ADF personnel located at RAAF Base Amberley.1



The long term Defence planning for RAAF Base Amberley, as considered by the Public Works Committee in Report 18/2005 RAAF Base Amberley Redevelopment Stage 2, has contributed to the increase in the ADF housing requirement forecast for the Ipswich area.2


The 162 new properties proposed in the Fairview Rise project will assist DHA to deliver the requirements of DHA’s capital program from 2007-08 onward.3




DHA’s proposal incorporates vacant land which makes up the balance of the existing Fairview Rise Estate, which was first rezoned Residential Low Density in 1991. The site will be used for detached housing and will provide:


All DHA residences will be four-bedroom detached housing with ensuite and family room, double garage and at least 18 square metres of covered outdoor living area. The properties will also be landscaped on completion.5


Infrastructure works comprising roads, water, sewerage and storm water will be undertaken to current Ipswich City Council (ICC) standards. Electrical reticulation, gas reticulation and telephone services will be carried out primarily by Energex, Envetsra and Telstra.6


Project Delivery


DHA proposes to provide 162 fully-serviced residential lots developed in two phases:

DHA intends to make all residences in this development available for sale and leaseback.


Development and construction packages will be contracted on a fixed lump sum basis to a select panel of tenderers who will have been successful in addressing the selection criteria from a publicly advertised open call for expressions of interest.8



Funding for the proposal will be sourced by DHA from any or all of the sale of surplus housing stock, the public sale of development houses, funds realised from the sale and leaseback scheme, application of surplus capital, or debt financing.9


The estimated overall project cost is $50.7 million. This figure includes:


1 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 1.3 Back
2 ibid, paragraph 2.3 Back
3 ibid, paragraph 2.4 Back
4 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraphs 3.1-3.2 Back
5 ibid, paragraph 3.5 Back
6 ibid, paragraph 3.3 Back
7 ibid, paragraph 1.2 Back
8 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 16.2 Back
9 ibid, paragraph 22.1 Back
10 ibid, paragraph 21.1 Back

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