Chapter 2 The Proposed Works

Chapter 2 The Proposed Works

Options Considered
Siting Options
Technical Options
Preferred Option
Wharf Extension Medium Work
Remaining Works
Project Delivery



The purpose of the proposed work is to



The proposed work is necessitated by a Government decision to replace the existing FREMANTLE Class Patrol Boats with new ACPBs. The ACPBs will provide improved patrol boat availability and performance.2


A report on the ACPB project, tabled in February 2005 by the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO), recommended that:

Defence ensure that complementary Defence Corporate Services and Infrastructure Group facilities projects are well programmed, prioritised, and co-ordinated, to deliver capability in a timely fashion to support the requirements of the capability being delivered by the DMO [Defence Materiel Organisation].3


As the ACPB is a larger vessel than the FREMANTLE Class Patrol Boat, it is necessary to extend existing infrastructure. In addition, ACPB capability will be enhanced by the construction of a Standby Crew facility, to minimise handover time between crews and maximise operational availability of the boats; and upgraded facilities and equipment for the Port Services Organisation, which is responsible for the management of DNB harbour.4


Options Considered

Siting Options


As there is no intention to relocate DNB during the service life of the ACPBs, the existing infrastructure provides the most economic solution for siting of the new facilities.5

Technical Options


In order to achieve the most economical design solutions, Defence considered alternative siting options for the new Standby Crew and Port Services Organisation facilities; namely:


The location of the Port Services Organisation facility is dictated by requirement for visibility over the harbour, while the Standby Crew facility must be close to the wharf.6

Preferred Option


The most cost effective solution was considered to be a combined facility maximising oversight of the harbour and proximity to the wharf. The benefits of this option are:



Wharf Extension Medium Work


On 19 July 2004 wrote to the Committee requesting that wharf extension works at DNB be approved as a separate ‘medium work’8 prior to the referral of the remainder of the Patrol Boat Facilities Upgrade Project. The works, estimated to cost $5.53 million, comprised


Prior approval of these work elements was sought to meet the immediate operational support requirements of the ACPBs, the first of which was programmed for delivery to Darwin in April 2005.9


On 21 July, having considered the Department’s request, the Committee granted approval for the wharf works to proceed. At the time of the Committee’s visit in July 2005, the wharf extension was under construction.

Remaining Works


The remaining works to be carried out under the Patrol Boat Facilities upgrade comprise:


Project Delivery


The approved portion of the works (wharf extension) is being delivered using a head contract system, with completion anticipated for October 2005.11


It is proposed that the remainder of the works will be procured under two separate contracts as follows:


Subject to parliamentary approval, it is intended that the works should commence in early 2006, with completion in late 2006.13




The estimated outturn cost of the proposed work is $19.17million.14


1 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 4 Back
2 ibid, paragraphs 4 - - 6 and 12 Back
3 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 8 Back
4 ibid, paragraphs 12 - 15 Back
5 ibid, paragraph 20 Back
6 ibid, paragraph 22 Back
7 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 24 Back
8 that is, a work estimated to cost between $2 million and $6 million Back
9 Letter from Defence Infrastructure Asset Development Branch, 19 July 2004 Back
10 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 19 Back
11 ibid, paragraphs 61 and 67 Back
12 ibid, paragraph 68 Back
13 ibid, paragraph 62 Back
14 ibid, paragraph 60 Back

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