Chapter 1 Introduction

Joint Standing Committee on Public Works

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Fit-out of New Leased Premises for the Australian Customs Service at 1010 LaTrobe Street, Melbourne Docklands

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Chapter 1 Introduction

Referral of Work
Australian Customs Service
Inquiry Process
Inspection and Public Hearing

Referral of Work


On 14 September 2005 the proposed fit-out of new leased premises for the Australian Customs Service at 1010 LaTrobe Street, Melbourne Docklands, was referred to the Public Works Committee for consideration and report in accordance with the provisions of the Public Works Committee Act 1969 (the Act).1 The proponent agency for this work is the Australian Customs Service (Customs).


The Hon Dr Sharman Stone MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Finance and Administration, advised the House that the estimated cost of the proposed works was $12.5 million. Subject to parliamentary approval, the proposed fit-out and associated installation of services will, to the maximum extent possible, be integrated with the base building structure in order to reduce costs. The building is planned for completion in December 2006, and Customs anticipates occupying the building progressively throughout February and March 2007.



Australian Customs Service


The Australian Customs Service has three principal roles:



Customs has occupied its current headquarters at 414 LaTrobe Street since 1992, and has a net lease due to expire on 31 May 2007. Customs is seeking to relocate its headquarters to premises currently being constructed at 1010 LaTrobe Street, Melbourne Docklands, also known as the Port 1010 Building.3


Inquiry Process


The Committee is required by the Act to consider public works over $6 million4 and report to Parliament on:


The Committee called for submissions by advertising the inquiry in The Age on Saturday, 8 October 2005. The Committee also sought submissions from relevant government agencies, local government, private organisations and individuals, who may be materially affected by or have an interest in the proposed work. The Committee subsequently placed submissions and other information relating to the inquiry on its web site in order to encourage further public participation.

Inspection and Public Hearing


On 11 November 2005 the Committee visited Customs’ existing headquarters and inspected the site and environs of the proposed works. A confidential briefing from Customs and a public hearing was conducted in Melbourne later that day.6


1 Extract from the Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, No. 57, Wednesday 14 September 2005 Back

Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 1.2.2 ) Back

3 ibid, paragraph 1.2.4 Back
4 Public Works Committee Act 1969 , Part III, Section 18 (8) Back
5 ibid, Section 17 Back
6 See Appendix D for the official Hansard transcript of the evidence taken by the Committee at the public hearing on Friday, 11 November 2005 in Melbourne , Vic . Back

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