
Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Proposed fit-out of new leased premises for the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations at Block 9, Section 31, Canberra, ACT

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Submissions will be made available here when they are received and authorised for publication.

The Committee invites interested persons and organisations to make submissions addressing the terms of reference by Thursday, 22 May 2008. Please refer to our brochure called preparing a submission for more information.

Submissions may be in hard copy (written or printed) form, or can be made by email. In order to facilitate electronic publishing of submissions, the Committee would prefer them to be emailed to or sent on disk or CD-ROM to the Committee Secretariat in Microsoft Word® or Portable Document Format (PDF).

To view or print the submissions, you will need Adobe Acrobat® PDF Reader, which can be downloaded free of charge from Adobe

There is currently a total of 3 submissions in the following list.

  1. Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (PDF 1305KB)
  2. Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (Supplementary) (PDF 153KB)

  3. Department Environment, Water Heritage and the Arts (PDF 119KB)