Chapter 4 Other Activities

Joint Standing Committee on Public Works

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Sixty Eighth Annual Report

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Chapter 4 Other Activities

Defence Infrastructure Asset Development Branch Information Day
National Conference of Parliamentary Public Works and Environment Committees

Defence Infrastructure Asset Development Branch Information Day


On 10 May 2004 the Committee and secretariat participated in a Public Works Committee Training Day for the Defence Infrastructure Asset Development Branch. The training was conducted at Parliament House and involved some 55 Defence personnel. The aim of the day was to instruct officers of the branch in the role and functions of the Committee and to assist them in understanding the Committee inquiry process.


The program commenced with welcome by Group Captain Warren Lear, Acting Director General of Defence Infrastructure Asset Development.


The first session of the program was delivered by Ms Robyn Webber, a senior officer of the House of Representatives, who provided a comprehensive overview of the Australian Parliamentary system, legislation and the committee process. This session set the work of the Committee within its broader parliamentary context.


The next session of the day dealt with the referral process and was delivered by Mr Jeff Kite, Assistant Director of Lands Operations and Public Works at DoFA. Mr Kite discussed DoFA's role in the public works consideration process, with particular reference to referral and expediency processes.


The third session, delivered by Group Captain Lear, discussed practical aspects of progressing works through the Public Works Committee process, with a view to providing staff with an understanding of the practical aspects to be considered.


After lunch Group Captain Lear provided an outline of projects to be presented to the Committee in 2004. The purpose of this session was to give Defence staff an understanding of the work commitment required in 2004 to progress projects through the Committee process.


The Hon Judi Moylan MP, Chair of the Committee, addressed the group on the requirements and expectations of Committee members in relation to evidence provided by referring agencies. This was followed by a step-by-step description of the inquiry process, provided by the inquiry secretary.


Group Captain Lear concluded the day with a summary of the day's activities.


National Conference of Parliamentary Public Works and Environment Committees


The 2004 National Conference of Parliamentary Public Works and Environment Committees was hosted by the Parliament of Victoria. It was held in Melbourne and Lorne from 11 to 14 July 2004.


The conference was attended by delegates from the relevant parliamentary committees of the Commonwealth, and of all Australian States and Territories. International delegates included members of the New Zealand Local Government and Environment Select Committee and representatives of the Swedish Environmental Objectives Council.


The Committee was represented at the conference by the Chair, Hon Judi Moylan MP, and Deputy Chair, Mr Brendan O'Connor MP.


The theme of the 2004 conference was Emerging Challenges and Future Directions for Environment and Public Works Committees. The programme for the public works stream included addresses by:


In addition to the addresses listed above, the programme included a field trip to Otway Fly and the Twelve Apostles. The plenary session included presentation and discussion of a paper by the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Environment and Heritage on the formalisation of the annual conference and international parliamentary committee involvement.


At the conclusion of the conference, delegates expressed their gratitude to the Parliament of Victoria for hosting a highly informative and successful event.


The 2005 conference will be hosted by the ACT Legislative Assembly.

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