Chapter 2 The Proposed Works

Joint Standing Committee on Public Works

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Fit-out of New Leased Premises for the Attorney-General’s Department at 3-5 National Circuit, Barton, ACT

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Chapter 2 The Proposed Works

Purpose and Suitability
Value for Money



The need for the proposed works is driven by AGD’s objective of consolidating its Canberra activities into one purpose-built facility in Barton (excluding its Emergency Management Australia accommodation in Bruce and Security Training Centre in Yarralumla), and the operational benefits that will arise from such consolidation.1


AGD currently occupies three head office locations in Canberra, the Robert Garran Offices (RGO), Arts House and Brisbane Avenue. 750 staff are housed in an office area measuring 19, 244m ². At present, AGD lacks sufficient space for its employees and the situation is expected to worsen in the next 3 years as the Department expands. An additional 100 staff will require accommodation by 2007-2008.2


The decision to relocate is timely given that the leases on all three properties expire between May 2006 and February 2007.3


Another factor contributing to the need to relocate is the degenerating condition of the existing premises. The ageing fit-out of the RGO in particular is causing increasing maintenance costs and occupational health and safety concerns.4




AGD intends to lease the new National Circuit building for fifteen years, with two five-year options, and will be undertaking its own fit-out.


Works required to meet AGD’s objectives comprise:

Purpose and Suitability


AGD expects that rationalisation of accommodation will result in a number of operational and administrative efficiencies, specifically:




The total estimated cost of the proposed fit-out project is $23 million.7 These costs include:

Value for Money


AGD believes the proposed development to be a cost-effective property solution. The collocation of AGD’s Canberra offices at 3-5 National Circuit is expected to result in operational and administrative efficiencies, and also to generate savings in property expenses.


As AGD will be the sole tenant of the 3-5 National Circuit property, there are also operational and financial advantages to be gained from incorporating AGD’s specific requirements into the base-building structure.


In addition, AGD is negotiating with the building owners to minimise the risk of paying rent on empty space.9


In terms of broader public value, it is expected that some direct employment opportunities will be created by the construction and fit-out of the proposed building. Approximately 80 people will be employed in construction and construction-related activities on any given day and a further 150 people are expected to be employed in fit-out trades. Off-site employment opportunities will be generated in areas such as material supply and support, off-site fabrication, management and administration.


During the construction and fit-out period AGD believes that there is the potential for a positive impact on retail trade in nearby Manuka and Kingston and public transport.10


1 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 1.1.4 Back
2 ib id, paragraph 1.2.1 and paragraph 1.3.1 Back
3 ib id, paragraph 1.2.2 Back
4 ib id, paragraph 1.5.1 Back
5 Appendix C, Submission No. 1, paragraph 2.2.2 Back
6 ib id, paragraph 1.1.4 Back
7 ib id, paragraph 2.19.1 Back
8 Appendix D, Official Transcript of Evidence, page 3 Back
9 ib id, paragraph 1.10.2 Back
10 ib id, paragraph 2.18 Back

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