Preliminary pages

Preliminary pages

Membership of the Committee

Chair The Hon Arch Bevis MP  
Deputy Chair The Hon Philip Ruddock MP  
Members Mr Mark Dreyfus QC MP Senator Michael Forshaw
  Mr Daryl Melham MP Senator Gavin Marshall
  Mrs Kay Hull MP Senator Julian McGauran
    Senator Russell Trood

Committee Secretariat


Dr Margot Kerley

Inquiry Secretary

Mr Robert Little

Research Officer

Ms Philippa Davies

Office Manager

Mrs Donna Quintus-Bosz

Terms of reference

This report is made under Part 4 Section 31 of the Intelligence Services Act 2001:

As soon as practicable after each year ending on 30 June, the Committee must give to the Parliament a report on the activities of the Committee during the year.

List of abbreviations

AFP  Australian Federal Police
AIC Australian Intelligence Community
ANAO Australian National Audit Office
AO Order of Australia
APM Australian Police Medal
ASIO Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
ASIS Australian Secret Intelligence Agency
CIC Council of Islamic Courts
CNZM New Zealand Order of Merit
CSIS Canadian Secret Intelligence Service
CTIVD Commissie van Toezicht betreffende de Inlichtingen-en VeiligheidsDiensten (Review Committee on Intelligence and Security Services – The Netherlands)
DIGO Defence Imagery Geospatial Organisation
DIO Defence Intelligence Organisation
DPS Department of Parliamentary Services
DSD Defence Signals Directorate
IGIS Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security
IS Act Intelligence Services Act 2001
ISC Intelligence and Security Committee
LeT Lashkar-e-Tayyiba
MP Member of Parliament
NRO National Reconnaissance Office
NSA National Security Agency
OIGIS Office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security
OM Order of Manitoba
ONA Office of National Assessments
P.C Member of the Canadian Privy Council
PIJ Palestinian Islamic Jihad
PJCIS Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security
PKK Kurdistan Workers Party
TSPV Top Secret Positive Vet
VBIED Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices

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