Appendix C– Recommendations made in the 2004-2005 review

Appendix C– Recommendations made in the 2004-2005 review


Recommendation 1

That the Government give consideration to alternative mechanisms to address the Committee’s concerns regarding separate financial statements by DSD which underpinned the Committee’s recommendations in the first review of administration and expenditure.

Recommendation 2

That the Government give further consideration to providing the Committee with the classified annual reports of ASIO, ASIS and DSD.

Recommendation 3a

The Committee recommends that appropriate legislation be enacted that would require the Auditor-General to provide the Committee with the annual audits of ASIO, ASIS and DSD and further, that there be a requirement for the Auditor-General to provide any additional information that may be relevant to the Committee’s review of administration and expenditure.

Recommendation 3b

The Committee recommends that, in consultation with ASIO, ASIS and DSD and with the Committee, the Auditor-General should develop a rolling program of performance audits. Such a program of performance audits should provide comprehensive coverage of agency administration.

Recommendation 3c

In view of the special requirements relating to scrutiny of ASIO, ASIS and DSD by this Committee, the Committee further recommends that consideration be given to amendment of Section 10 of the Auditor-General’s Act to reflect the importance of the ANAO in assisting this Committee to discharge its responsibility to review the expenditure and administration of ASIO, ASIS and DSD through an ongoing program of performance audits.

Recommendation 3d

The Committee further recommends that appropriate legislative provision should be made to require the Auditor-General to provide the Committee with copies of classified ANAO performance audits relating to ASIO, ASIS and DSD.

Recommendation 4

The Committee recommends that consideration be given, as appropriate, to greater liaison between the IGIS and the Commonwealth Ombudsman (and State Ombudsman), including the development of a memorandum of understanding or protocol governing possible joint reviews of combined ASIO/police operations.

Recommendation 5

The Committee recommends that the Government provide the Committee with a copy of the report on the outcomes of the ASIO polygraph trial as soon as it is completed.

Recommendation 6

It is the view of the Committee that the Chair of the Committee or members nominated by the Chair should be invited by ASIO, ASIS and DSD to attend orientation sessions with new recruits thereby gaining a greater understanding of the orientation process and to provide opportunities for new recruits to be advised of the Committees role and responsibilities.

Recommendation 7

The Committee recommends that ASIS produce an unclassified version of its Code of Conduct and that this be tabled in Parliament by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, be sent out to all ASIS applicants, and be made publicly available on request.

Recommendation 8

The Committee would like to encourage all intelligence agencies to undertake regular staff surveys and, if they are not already doing so, to make use of suggestions boxes that allow for anonymous feedback by staff. The Committee recommends that at each review of administration and expenditure the results of staff surveys are made available to the Committee for examination.

Recommendation 9

That a review be undertaken on the extent of public reporting across all the intelligence agencies overseen by the Committee.

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