
Joint Parliamentary Committee on Intelligence and Security

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Inquiry into potential reforms of National Security Legislation

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The Committee encourages submissions to its inquiry from a wide range of individuals and organisations. While we prefer submissions lodged in an original, electronic format, we do not want to exclude contributors who do not have access to computing facilities. Therefore, we will accept submissions in a range of formats which may include typewritten and handwritten documents.

Submissions to this inquiry are listed below in Portable Document Format (PDF). If an alternative format (ie, hard copy or large print) is required, please contact the Committee Secretariat. More submissions will be added to the list when they are received and authorised for publication.

For more information on submissions, please refer to our brochure on preparing a submission.

To view or print the submissions, you will need Adobe Acrobat® PDF Reader, which can be downloaded free of charge from Adobe

There are currently a total of 236 submissions in the following list.

  1. O Stevens (PDF 71KB)
  2. M Simpson (PDF 77KB)
  3. M Britton (PDF 117KB)
  4. G Warrener (PDF 54KB)
  5. ‘Adrian’ (PDF 45KB)
  6. C Mather (PDF 84KB)
  7. ‘James’ (PDF 86KB)
  8. J Archer (PDF 145KB)
  9. S Ford (PDF 71KB)
  10. Office of the Inspector of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (PDF 1,756KB)
  11. S Clark (PDF 71KB)
  12. C Rose (PDF 71KB)
  13. C Veness (PDF 107KB)
    and 3 other submitters (in common form)
  14. A Butcher (PDF 293KB)
  15. A Bartlett (PDF 81KB)
  16. D Turner (PDF 86KB)
  17. C Rogers (PDF 98KB)
  18. M Ginn (PDF 83KB)
  19. P Stevens (PDF 81KB)
  20. R Palmer (PDF 75KB)
    and 2,967 other submitters (in common form) through the Australian Taxpayers' Alliance
  21. M Rieck (PDF 57KB)
  22. P Serwylo (PDF 50KB)
  23. M Angelico (PDF 90KB)
  24. V Knight (PDF 81KB)
  25. E Collins (PDF 74KB)
  26. R Leeman (PDF 74KB)
  27. TBA
  28. J McPherson (PDF 179KB)
  29. S Watkins (PDF 66KB)
  30. C Eden (PDF 87KB)
  31. K Grundy (PDF 79KB)
  32. J Stewart (PDF 81KB)
  33. Tasmania Police (PDF 100KB)
  34. P McKeon (PDF 77KB)
  35. J Dowty (PDF 87KB)
  36. Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law (PDF 252KB)
  37. Confidential
  38. B Terry (PDF 89KB)
  39. R Varney (PDF 80KB)
  40. G Lloyd-Smith (PDF 221KB)
  41. A Brunatti and N Abdalla, Brunel Centre for Intelligence and Security Studies, Brunel University (PDF 312KB)
  42. G Carne (PDF 2,472KB)
  43. P Kentwell (PDF 96KB)
  44. Name Withheld (PDF 85KB)
  45. Confidential
  46. Confidential
  47. J Vallentine (PDF 102KB)
  48. M Abbey (PDF 76KB)
  49. E Roberts (PDF 30KB)
  50. R Batten (PDF 356KB)
  51. J Holmes (PDF 67KB)
  52. Confidential
  53. J Fergeus (PDF 52KB)
    and 2,348 other submitters (in common form) through the
  54. J Burnside (PDF 28KB)
  55. Name Withheld (PDF 67KB)
  56. D Auchterlonie (PDF 66KB)
  57. Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PDF 485KB)
  58. B Ryan (PDF 61KB)
  59. A Fry (PDF 74KB)
  60. N Jackson (PDF 23KB)
  61. S De Silva (PDF 53KB)
  62. J Trevaskis (PDF 125KB)
  63. R Bishop (PDF 39KB)
  64. R Williams (PDF 39KB)
  65. J Taylor (PDF 34KB)
  66. A Bettison (PDF 39KB)
  67. M Steele (PDF 35KB)
  68. L Virr (PDF 38KB)
  69. T Edwards (PDF 34KB)
  70. R Rzechowicz (PDF 42KB)
  71. B Lever (PDF 36KB)
  72. S Knox (PDF 20KB)
  73. M Annesley (PDF 36KB)
  74. W Tattersall (PDF 35KB)
  75. R Stuart (PDF 45KB)
  76. P Fraser (PDF 48KB)
  77. P Scully-Power (PDF 54KB)
  78. G Capone (PDF 76KB)
  79. Name Withheld (PDF 31KB)
  80. K Riley (PDF 34KB)
  81. K Copsey (PDF 17KB)
  82. M Roberts (PDF 48KB)
  83. Australian Society of Archivists (PDF 62KB)
  84. A O’Neill (PDF 50KB)
  85. D Ruegg (PDF 16KB)
  86. P Dowding (PDF 26KB)
  87. M Newton (PDF 94KB)
  88. A Gasparini (PDF 73KB)
  89. J Pavy (PDF 42KB)
  90. B Griffiths (PDF 41KB)
  91. A McDonnell (PDF 39KB)
  92. A Judeh (PDF 647KB)
  93. L Roscic (PDF 24KB)
  94. A Blond (PDF 271KB)
  95. I Quick (PDF 110KB)
  96. Law Council of Australia (PDF 1,160KB)
  97. D Black (PDF 153KB)
  98. Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (PDF 582KB)
  99. Confidential
  100. J Sinnamon (PDF 32KB)
  101. N Hondros (PDF 37KB)
  102. Commonwealth Ombudsman (PDF 1,722KB)
  103. C Minassian (PDF 96KB)
  104. Engineers Australia (PDF 1,569KB)
  105. J Embury (PDF 513KB)
  106. D Reid (PDF 20KB)
  107. NSW Ombudsman (PDF 43KB)
  108. iiNet (PDF 168KB)
  109. Office of the Victorian Privacy Commissioner (PDF 2,092KB)
  110. D Nazer (PDF 261KB)
  111. F Glaum (PDF 435KB)
  112. Cisco Systems Australia Pty Limited (PDF 442KB)
  113. Vodafone Hutchison Australia (PDF 110KB)
  114. Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association and Communications Alliance (PDF 504KB)
  115. Macquarie Telecom (PDF 73KB)
  116. Unisys (PDF 53KB)
  117. B Keane (PDF 237KB)
  118. Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy (PDF 54KB)
  119. B O’Flaherty (PDF 35KB)
  120. Australian Taxation Office (PDF 41KB)
  121. Electronic Frontiers Australia, Inc. (PDF 830KB)
  122. Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (PDF 704KB)
  123. A Pollard (PDF 44KB)
  124. Hobart Community Legal Service (PDF 3,152KB)
  125. Youngman Consultancy (PDF 28KB)
  126. A von Brasch (PDF 119KB)
  127. J Smith (PDF 108KB)
  128. Confidential
  129. D Pickett (PDF 37KB)
  130. K Duddy (PDF 20KB)
  131. E Slatyer (PDF 47KB)
  132. D Phillips (PDF 20KB)
  133. NSW Young Lawyers, The Law Society of New South Wales (PDF 1,341KB)
  134. Pirate Party Australia (PDF 445KB)
  135. I Graham (PDF 47KB)
  136. K Lovett and M De Saxe (PDF 25KB)
  137. B Arnold (PDF 84KB)
  138. S Versteeg (PDF 63KB)
  139. Institute of Public Affairs (PDF 486KB)
  140. Human Rights Law Centre (PDF 399KB)
  141. Queensland Council for Civil Liberties (PDF 284KB)
  142. Castan Centre for Human Rights Law (Monash University) (PDF 50KB)
  143. Liberty Victoria (PDF 600KB)
  144. K Tranter (PDF 16,831KB)
  145. Internet Society of Australia (PDF 208KB)
  146. Senator S Ludlam (PDF 335KB)
  147. Queensland Crime and Misconduct Commission (PDF 543KB)
  148. NSW Government (PDF 8,794KB)
  149. Huawei Technologies (Australia) Pty Limited (PDF 330KB)
  150. Confidential
  151. J Vrakas (PDF 116KB)
  152. S Gray (PDF 106KB)
  153. A Hull (PDF 25KB)
  154. S Walker (PDF 17KB)
  155. D Georgette (PDF 25KB)
  156. Corruption and Crime Commission of Western Australia (PDF 5,878KB)
  157. D Judge (PDF 657KB)
  158. TBA
  159. Confidential
  160. B Allen (PDF 18KB)
  161. The Religious Society of Friends (PDF 27KB)
  162. Australian Privacy Foundation (PDF 192KB)
  163. Australian Federal Police (PDF 102KB)
  164. J Wainer (PDF 37KB)
  165. Blueprint for Free Speech (PDF 405KB)
  166. Northern Territory Police (PDF 1,733KB)
  167. A Halter (PDF 1,175KB)
  168. Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (PDF 493KB)
  169. Confidential
  170. S Brown (PDF 627KB)
  171. N Pastalatzis (PDF 353KB)
  172. Confidential
  173. Confidential
  174. Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity (PDF 88KB)
  175. NSW Council for Civil Liberties (PDF 174KB)
  176. Confidential
  177. Confidential
  178. M Wigan (PDF 47KB)
  179. Confidential
  180. Australian Industry Group (PDF 1,076KB)
  181. Confidential
  182. Privacy International (PDF 165KB)
  183. Office of Australian Information Commissioner (PDF 655KB)
  184. Tasmanian Association of Community Legal Centres (PDF 175KB)
  185. Inspector General of Intelligence and Security (PDF 660KB)
  186. Police Integrity Commission (PDF 1,142KB)
  187. Internet Industry Association (IIA) (PDF 259KB)
  188. Confidential
  189. Telstra (PDF 819KB)
  190. Confidential
  191. Confidential
  192. Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (PDF 108KB)
  193. Electronic Frontier Foundation (PDF 176KB)
  194. Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (PDF 701KB)
  195. D du Prie (PDF 43KB)
  196. L Lyons (PDF 137KB)
  197. Confidential
  198. Australian Interactive Media Industry Association, Digital Policy Group (PDF 131KB)
  199. Confidential
  200. Victoria Police (PDF 164KB)
  201. Confidential
  202. N Crichton-Browne (PDF 233KB)
  203. Western Australia Police (PDF 278KB)
  204. Australian Crime Commission (PDF 1,367KB)
  205. N Crichton-Browne (PDF 105KB) - Supplementary Submission
  206. Optus (PDF 303KB)
  207. Dr A Berglas (PDF 38 KB)
  208. C Blackwood (PDF 48 KB)
  209. ASIO (PDF 388KB)
  210. C Poole (PDF 815KB)
  211. Confidential
  212. P Potter (PDF 38KB)
  213. Pirate Party Australia - Supplementary Submission (PDF 153KB)
  214. Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association and Communications Alliance – supplementary submission (PDF 135KB)
  215. Confidential
  216. Confidential
  217. Confidential
  218. Attorney‐General’s Department (PDF 5,184KB)
  219. ASIS (PDF 332KB)
  220. Office of the Victorian Privacy Commissioner (PDF 1687KB)
  221. WA Corruption and Crime Commission (PDF 773KB)
  222. NSW Council of Civil Liberties – answers to questions on notice (PDF 176KB)
  223. Department of Immigration and Citizenship (PDF 98KB)
  224. Law Council of Australia – supplementary submission and answers to questions on notice (PDF 289KB)
  225. Australian Taxation Office – answers to questions on notice (PDF 281KB)
  226. Australian Federal Police – answers to questions on notice (PDF 57KB)
  227. ASIO, AFP, ACC - supplementary submission (PDF 301KB)
  228. Confidential
  229. Confidential
  230. Confidential
  231. Confidential
  232. Confidential
  233. P Burke (PDF 363KB)
  234. Liberty Victoria (PDF 485KB)
  235. Attorney-General's Department - answers to questions on notice (PDF 411KB)
  236. K Selvarajah (PDF 148KB)