Joint Standing Committee on Migration
Inquiry into immigration treatment of disability
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Have your say on the migration health requirement
The formal submission period for the inquiry ended on 28 October 2009, although the Committee is continuing to accept submissions. Please refer to our brochure called preparing a submission for more information.
The Committee would welcome submissions from people with a disability, employers, business organisations, disability and community services providers, and any other interested individuals or organisations who would like to make comment.
If you, a family member or a friend have had issues with the health requirement due to a disability, disease or condition, the Committee is also interested your story. Submissions can be of any length or format, and it doesn’t matter if you’re not Australian or not in Australia.
Following the terms of reference, submissions might choose to respond to the following questions:
Is the current process for assessing a visa applicant against the health requirement fair and transparent?
What types of contributions and costs should be considered?
How do we measure these?
Are there additional factors that should be considered?
Do you have personal experience of this?
What principles should apply to the assessment of visa applications against the health requirement? Should there be exceptions?
You do not have to provide a view on all of these points. The Committee welcomes your responses to any or all of these questions. The full terms of reference are available through the link above.
It is preferred that submissions are lodged by email, although we will accept submissions in a range of formats including typewritten and handwritten documents. If possible, please provide your submission in Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format so that the secretariat will be able to supply copies on request to people who may have difficulties accessing PDF versions of submissions, such as through screen readers.
Submissions should be emailed to or sent to the Committee.
The Committee usually publishes all submissions received in full to facilitate public participation in the inquiry process. However, if you are an individual and have concerns about publication, for example, due to information provided about your own health or the health of a family member, or due to ongoing migration or legal proceedings, you may request that your name be withheld or your submission be kept confidential. Please contact the committee secretariat for more information.
Submissions will be listed below in Portable Document Format (PDF) once they have been received and authorised by the Committee for publication. To view or print the submissions, you will need Adobe Acrobat® PDF Reader, which can be downloaded free of charge from Adobe®.
If an alternative format, such as hard copy, large print or Rich Text Format (RTF) is required, please contact the committee secretariat.
There is currently a total of 102 submissions and 2
supplementary submission in the following list.
- National Ethnic Disability Alliance (PDF 5,383 KB)
Supplementary submission 1.1
National Ethnic Disability Alliance (PDF 1,509KB)
- Professor Patricia Harris (PDF 324KB)
- Cynthia Muir (PDF 670KB)
- Name Withheld (PDF 69KB)
- Queensland Nurses' Union (PDF 506KB)
- Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (PDF 1,257 KB)
- Dr Susan Harris-Rimmer and Dr Kristin Natalier (PDF 773KB)
- Disability Services Commission (PDF 228KB)
- Tasmanian Government (PDF 82KB)
- Haemophilia Foundation Australia (PDF 428KB)
- Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (PDF 2,452KB)
- Name Withheld (PDF 134KB)
- Confidential
- Mr Dermot Hogan (PDF 689KB)
- Physical Disability Australia (PDF 96KB)
- Deafness Forum of Australia (PDF 358KB)
- Queensland Parents for People with a Disability Inc. (PDF 282KB)
- Mr J.P Tempest (PDF 481KB)
- Ms Gillian Palmer (PDF 1,196KB)
- Multicultural Development Association (PDF 908KB)
- Deaf Australia Inc. (PDF 468KB)
- Ms Kerry Inglis (PDF 159KB)
- Action on Disability within Ethnic Communities (ADEC) (PDF 1,881KB)
- Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia (PDF 831KB)
- Ms Mary Ann Gourlay
- Vicdeaf (PDF 492KB)
- Name Witheld (PDF 389KB)
- Cabramatta Community Centre (PDF 189KB)
- Name Withheld (PDF 102KB)
- Immigration Advice and Rights Centre Inc. (PDF 1,981KB)
- Professor Mary Crock and Professor Ron McCallum AO (PDF 1, 917KB)
Attachment A
- NSW Young Lawyers Human Rights Committee (PDF 836KB)
- Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (PDF 410KB)
- The Migration Institute of Australia (PDF 513KB)
- Down Syndrome Victoria (PDF 439KB)
Attachment A
Dr Moeller Petitions to the Department of Immigration
- Castan Centre for Human Rights Law and Rethinking Mental Health Laws Federation Fellowship (PDF 2,908KB)
- Vision Australia (PDF 433KB)
- Dr Brian Donovan (PDF 940KB)
- Australian Tertiary Education Network on Disability (PDF 210KB)
- Amparo Advocacy (PDF 474KB)
- Down Syndrome NSW (PDF 302KB)
- Ethnic Disability Advocacy Centre (PDF 1087KB)
- Cerebral Palsy League (PDF 2063KB)
- Blind Citizens Australia (PDF 1159KB)
- National Council on Intellectual Disability (PDF 280KB)
- Human Rights Council of Australia Inc. (PDF 255KB)
- Australian Federation of Disability Organisations and others (PDF 187KB)
- Uniting Justice in Australia (PDF 380KB)
- Name withheld (PDF 862KB)
- Ms Nicolette Szymanska (PDF 736KB)
- The Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland Ltd (PDF 379KB)
- Left Right Think-Tank (PDF 1,283KB)
- Multicultural Mental Health Australia (PDF 150KB)
- Human Rights Law Resource Centre Ltd (PDF 958KB)
- NSW Disability Discrimination Legal Centre Inc (PDF 915KB)
- Freehills Law Firm (PDF 309KB)
Attachment A
Freehills Law Firm (PDF 1,648KB)
- Down Syndrome WA (PDF 1,377KB)
- Australian Human Rights Commission (PDF 344KB)
- Migration Law Program, ANU College of Law (PDF 994KB)
- Ms Lauren Swift (PDF 792KB)
- Ms Lydia Campbell (PDF 1,331KB)
- Ms Kione Johnson (PDF 1,362KB)
- Ms Chantelle Perpic (PDF 983KB)
- Name Withheld (PDF 148KB)
- Z.K. (PDF 217KB)
- Department of Immigration and Citizenship (PDF 6,164KB)
Supplementary submission 66.1
Department of Immigration and Citizenship (PDF 189KB)
- National Association of People Living with HIV/Aids (PDF 1,226KB)
- Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations Inc (PDF 1,799KB)
- HIV/AIDS Legal Centre Inc (PDF 2,424KB)
- Positive Life NSW (PDF 158KB)
- Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (PDF 832KB)
Supplementary submission 71.1
Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (PDF 232KB)
- Carers New South Wales (PDF 1,067KB)
- Mr Richard A (PDF 297KB)
- Ms Sharon Ford (PDF 842KB)
- The Royal Society for the Blind (South Australia) (PDF 61KB)
- ACT Human Rights Commission (PDF 278KB)
- North Queensland Multicultural Health Network Disability (PDF 95KB)
- Disability Discrimination Legal Service Inc (PDF 805KB)
- Royal Australasian College of Physicians (PDF 833KB)
- Name Withheld (PDF 117KB)
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (PDF 878KB)
- Disability Studies and Research Centre, University of New South Wales (PDF 2,863KB)
- National Welfare Rights Network (PDF 306KB)
- Queensland Centre for Intellectual and Developmental Disability, University of Queensland (PDF 284KB)
- High Commission of Canada (PDF 389KB)
- Public Interest Advocacy Centre Ltd and Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors (PDF 2,383KB)
- Law Institute of Victoria (PDF 1,287KB)
Supplementary submission 88.1
Law Institute of Victoria (PDF 473KB)
- Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association of NSW (PDF 2,097KB)
- Queensland Advocacy Incorporated (PDF 235KB)
- Child Safety Commissioner of Victoria (PDF 599KB
- Department of Health and Ageing (PDF 859KB)
- Ms Una Thysse (PDF 82KB)
- Mr Robert McRae (PDF 256KB)
- Disability Advisory Committee, City of Yarra (PDF 423KB)
- New South Wales Government (PDF 1,430KB)
- Department of Education, Employment and Work Place Relations (PDF 1,651KB)
- Clothier Anderson and Associates (PDF 2,219KB)
Supplementary submission 98.1
Clothier Anderson and Associates (PDF 246KB)
- Dr D McKenzie (PDF 108KB)
- Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations (PDF 439KB)
- Wavelength International Pty Ltd (PDF 911KB)
- Dr Fiona Downes (PDF 247KB)
- Deafness Foundation Victoria (PDF 228KB)
- Refugee Council of Australia (PDF 1,224KB)
- Jasmin Reinartz (PDF 425KB)
- Professor Susan Hayes (PDF 893KB)
- Name withheld (PDF 381KB)
- Mr Mark Dreyfus (PDF 289KB)
- Mr Don Randall JP MP (PDF 198KB)
- New Zealand Department of Labour (PDF 115KB)
- Mr Bill Shorten MP (PDF 160KB)
- National Ethnic Disability Alliance, Australian Federation of Disability Organisations, People with Disability Australia, Disability Sresources Centre, Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia (PDF 139KB)