Appendix A – Program

Appendix A – Program



Thursday 30 March 2006

Venue: The Lobby Restaurant, Parkes, Canberra

6.00 pm – 7.00 pm Reception

Hosted by the Presiding Officers of the Commonwealth Parliament

Welcome by

Sen ator the Hon Paul Calvert

President of the Sen ate

The Hon David Hawker MP

Speaker of the House of Represent atives

7.00 pm – 10.30 pm Seminar Dinner

Addresses by

The Hon Alexander Downer MP

Minister for Foreign Affairs

Mr Kevin Rudd MP

Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade and Intern ational Security

Friday 31 March 2006

Venue: Main Committee Room

8.30 am – 9.00 am Registration


9.00 am – 9.20 am

Dr Andrew Southcott MP

Chair, Joint Standing Committee on Tre aties

Session One: Reflections on a decade

9.20 am – 10.15 am

Chair: Dr Andrew Southcott MP

Hon Dick Adams MP

Foundation Member, Joint Standing Committee on Treaties

Treaty Review: A Member’s Perspective

Ms Devika Hovell

Director, Intern ational Law Project, Gilbert & Tobin Centre of Public Law, University of New South Wales

Ten Years of JSCOT: A Critical Analysis

Mr Neil Roberts MP

Parliamentary Secretary to the Deputy Premier and Treasurer, and Minister for State Development, Trade and Innovation, Queensland Parliament

Treaty Making: A State Perspective

10.15 am – 10.30 am Launch of JSCOT Database

10.30 am – 11.00 am Morning Tea

Session Two: Treaty making and review in a federal system

11.00 am – 12.15 pm

Chair: Sen ator Dana Wortley

Ms Petrice Judge

Executive Director, Office of Federal Affairs, Department of Premier and Cabinet, Western Australia

The Standing Committee on Treaties as Part of the Treaty Scrutiny Process

Ms Anne Twomey

Adjunct Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Sydney

Treaty Reform - What the States Wanted, What they got and What they want now

Associate Professor Richard Herr

School of Government , University of Tasmania

Some Reflections on the Role of State Parliaments

12.15 pm – 1.15 pm Lunch in the Mural Hall

Luncheon Address

Mr Greg Sheridan

Foreign Editor, The Australian

Session Three: New Developments in Treaty Making and Review

1.15 pm – 2.40 pm

Chair: Senator Russell Trood

Mr Michael L’Estrange

Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Developments in Free Trade Agreements

Associate Professor Greg Rose

Faculty of Law, University of Wollongong

Treaties with Regional Neighbours

Professor Aynsley Kellow

School of Government, University of Tasmania

Climate Change Treaties

Session Four: Perspectives from abroad

2.40 pm – 3.40 pm

Chair: Mr Kim Wilkie MP

Dr Palitha Kohona
Former Chief, Treaty Section/Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations

Recent Trends in Tre at y Law from the Perspective of the UN Secretary-General as Depositary and Significant Tre at y Events

Ms Dianne Yates MP

Chairperson, Foreign Affairs Defence and Trade Committee , New Zealand Parliament

Treaty Review in New Zealand

3.40 pm – 4.00 pm Closing remarks

Mr Kim Wilkie MP

Deputy Chair, Joint Standing Committee on Treaties

4.00 pm Close

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