Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference

The Committee is reviewing the following treaties tabled in May and June 2003

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Treaty National Interest Analysis Regulation Impact Statement Treaty text Letters
Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Goverment of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka for the Promotion and Protection of Investments, done at Canberra on 12 November 2002 PDF 28KB n/a PDF 54KB n/a
Agreement on Social Security between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Chile, done at Canberra on 25 March 2003 PDF 99KB PDF 58KB PDF 68KB n/a
Agreement on Social Security between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, done at Vienna on 19 December 2002 PDF 90KB n/a PDF 53KB n/a
Agreement on Social Security between Australia and the Kingdom of Belgium, done at Canberra on 20 November 2002 PDF 99KB PDF 12KB PDF 81KB n/a
Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste relating to the Unitisation of the Sunrise and Troubadour Fields, done at Dili on 6 March 2003 PDF 45KB n/a PDF 249KB n/a
International Labour Organization Conventions: No. 83: Labour Standards (Non-Metropolitan Territories) Convention, 1947

No.85: Labour Inspectionartes (Non-Metropolitan Territories) Convention, 1947

No.86: Contracts of Employment (Indigenous Workers) Convention, 1947

PDF 36KB n/a No 83 92KB

No 85 24KB

No 86 24KB

Amendments to the Annex to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, including consideration and adoption of the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code (London, 12 December 2002) PDF 78KB PDF 78KB PDF 165KB,


Agreement on Medical Treatment for Temporary Visitors between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway, done at Canberra on 28 March 2003 PDF 20KB n/a PDF 18KB n/a
Convention on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean, done at Honolulu on 5 September 2000 PDF 39KB PDF 20KB PDF 212KB n/a
Exchange of Notes, done at Canberra on 7 April-27 May 2003, amending the Agreement with the United States of America for the Financing of Certain Educational and Cultural Exchange Programmes of 28 August 1964 (The Fullbright Agreement) PDF 99KB n/a PDF 81KB n/a
Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of Republic of Croatia on Social Security, done at Zagreb on 13 May 2003 PDF 30KB PDF 12KB PDF 54KB n/a
Protocol on Preparedness, Response and Co-operation to Pollution Incidents by Hazardous and Noxious Substances 2000, done at London, 15 March 2000 [2003] ATNIF9 PDF 33KB PDF 9KB PDF 53KB n/a

The Committee invited interested persons and organisations to make submissions on the purpose or content of the first seven treaty actions in the above list, which were tabled on 14 May, by Friday 13 June 2003. The Committee invites comments on the last five treaty actions listed above, tabled on 17 June, by Friday 18 July 2003

Printed copies of the National Interest Analyses and treaty texts for these proposed treaty actions can also be obtained from the Committee Secretariat.