

Submissions to this inquiry were received from the following individuals/organisations and copies of some of those submissions are available on this site or from the Committee Secretariat. Further submissions will be made available on this site as original paper copies are converted to electronic documents.

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No. Received from
1 Phillips Fox (PDF 330KB)
2 to 2.6 Australian Patriot Movembent (PDF 415KB)
4 Woodside (PDF 369KB) 5 Global Exchange (PDF 72KB) 6 Oxfam Community Aid Abroad (PDF 2507KB) 7 East Timor Institute for Reconstruction Monitoring and Analysis (PDF 1160KB) 8 East Timor Independent Information Centre for the Timor Sea (PDF 218KB) 9 The Association of Australian Ports and Marine Authorities (PDF 53KB) 10 Australians for A Free East Timor (PDF 559KB) 11 Australia East Timor Association (PDF 513KB) 12 Mr Mathew Coffey (PDF 217KB) 13 GA Mckee and Associates Pty Ltd (PDF 513KB) 14 Mr Robert Peters (PDF 189KB) 15 Northern Territory Government (PDF 107KB) 16 Queensland Government (PDF 589KB) 16.1 Queensland Government (PDF 191KB) 17 New South Wales Government (PDF 104KB) 18 Greenpeace Australia Pacific (PDF 248KB) 19 ACT Government (PDF 164KB) 20 Legislative Council of Tasmania (PDF 48KB) 20.1 Legislative Council of Tasmania (PDF 47KB) 21 Tasmanian Government (PDF 432KB) 22 South Australian Government (PDF 61KB) 23 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (PDF 163KB) 23.1 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (PDF 82KB) 23.2 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (PDF 69KB) 24 Department of Premier and Cabinet - Western Australia (PDF 84KB) 25 Mr Robert King (PDF 7,292KB) 26 Department of Family and Community Services (PDF 243KB) 27 Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry - Australia (PDF 869KB)