Report 48

Report 48

Treaties tabled August and September2002

On Monday 21 October 2002, the Treaties Committee tabled its report on the review of treaties tabled August and September 2002 - Report 48.

An electronic copy of the entire report and the individual chapters are provided in PDF.

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Report 48

Contents (PDF 24KB)
Chapter 1 (PDF 23KB) Amendments to the Schedule to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling
Chapter 2 (PDF29KB) Oil Pollution Damage Conventions
Chapter 3 (PDF 29KB) Two protocols amending double tax agreements with Canada and Malaysia
Chapter 4 (PDF 36KB) Agreement between Australia and the USA concerning Security Measures for the Reciprocal Protection of Classified Information
Chapter 5 (PDF 25KB) Treaty between Australia and the Hellenic Republic on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
Chapter 6 (PDF 25KB) Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of New Zealand relating to Air Services
Appendix A (PDF 7KB) List of Submissions
Appendix B (PDF 11KB) Witnessess at hearings

Click here for a consolidated copy of the report (162KB)