
Joint Standing Committee on Treaties

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Treaties tabled on 25 June 2008

Inquiry home | Terms of reference | Public hearings | Media releases | Report 95 | Report 100


The Committee encourages submissions to its inquiry from a wide range of individuals and organisations. While we prefer submissions lodged in an original, electronic format, we do not want to exclude contributors who do not have access to computing facilities. Therefore, we will accept submissions in a range of formats which may include typewritten and handwritten documents.

Submissions to this inquiry are listed below in Portable Document Format (PDF). If an alternative format (ie, hard copy or large print) is required, please contact the Committee Secretariat. More submissions will be added to the list when they are received and authorised for publication.

For more information on submissions, please refer to our brochure on preparing a submission.

To view or print the submissions, you will need Adobe Acrobat® PDF Reader, which can be downloaded free of charge from Adobe

There is currently a total of 34 submissions in the following list.

  1. Australian Patriot Movement (PDF 432KB)
  2. Australian Patriot Movement (PDF 209KB)
  3. Prof. Peter Newman (PDF 274KB)
  4. Mr Andrew Serdy (PDF 1248KB)
  5. Mr David Stimson (PDF 272KB)
  6. Great Barrier Reef Foundation (PDF 1308KB)
  7. National Farmers' Federation (PDF 1219KB)
  8. The Wilderness Society Victoria Inc (PDF 136KB)
  9. Australian Bahá'i Community (PDF 250KB)
  10. Tropical Savannas Management Cooperative Research Centre (PDF 1334KB)
  11. Ms Maria Cugnetto (PDF 37KB)
  12. VISY (PDF 905KB)
  13. Department of Primary Industry, Fisheries and Mines (PDF 594KB)
  14. Hydro-Electronic Corporation (PDF 729KB)
  15. The Climate Institute (PDF 3861KB)
  16. Make Poverty History (PDF 1725KB)
  17. Humane Society International (PDF 810KB)
  18. Insurance Council of Australia (PDF 290KB)
  19. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (PDF 1466KB)
  20. Australian Conservation Foundation (PDF 996KB)
  21. Australian Industry Greenhouse Network (PDF 2515KB)
  22. Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists (PDF 1119KB)
  23. Climate Action Network Australia (PDF 3116KB)
  24. Greenpeace (PDF 1506KB)
  25. The Australian Workers Union (PDF 1395KB)
  26. Murray Darling Basin Commission (PDF 168KB)
  27. ACT Government (PDF 83KB)
  28. Growcom (PDF 855KB)
  29. Mr Chris Lalor (PDF 272KB)
  30. Northern Territory Government (PDF 468KB)
  31. Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre (PDF 358KB)
  32. Attachment A
    Position analysis: Climate change, sea-level rise and extreme events:Impacts and adaptation issues (PDF 4817KB)

    Attachment B
    Briefing: A post-IPCC AR4 update on sea-level rise (PDF 3864KB)

    Attachment C
    Position analysis: Co2 emissions and climate change: Ocean impacts and adaptation issues (PDF 8039KB)

  33. The Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (PDF 194KB)
  34. Attachment A
    Greenhouse Response Strategy (PDF 227KB)

    Attachment B
    Submission to the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Green Paper(PDF 1552KB)

  35. Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (PDF 204KB)
  36. Department of Climate Change (PDF 1513KB)