Report 126: Review into Treaty tabled on 21 November 2011

Joint Standing Committee on Treaties

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Report 126 tabled on 27 June 2012

On Wednesday 27 June 2012, the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties tabled its report on the Review into Treaty tabled on 21 November 2011.

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This report is comprised of preliminary pages, 8 chapters and 2 appendices.

Report 126: Review into Treaty tabled on 21 November 2011

Preliminary pages (PDF 133KB)
Contents, Committee Membership, Resolution of Appointment and List of Recommendations

Chapter 1 (PDF 53KB)

Chapter 2 (PDF 102KB)
The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement in context

Chapter 3 (PDF 150KB)
The National Interest Analysis

Chapter 4 (PDF 80KB)
Clarity of terms

Chapter 5 (PDF 152KB)

Chapter 6 (PDF 108KB)
Intellectual Property

Chapter 7 (PDF 104KB)
The negotiation process and consultation

Chapter 8 (PDF 142KB)

Appendix A (PDF 35KB)
List of submissions

Appendix B (PDF 39KB)
List of witnesses and public hearings