Terms of Reference

Joint Standing Committee on Treaties

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Treaties tabled on 16 September 2008

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Terms of Reference

There is currently a total of 3 treaties in the following list.

Related documents: NIA and Consultation on Partial Revision of the 2004 Radio Regulations, as Incorporated in the International Telecommunication Union Final Acts of the World Radiocommunication Conference (Wrc-07), Done at Geneva on 16 November 2007 (PDF 99KB) | (Word 97KB)
Regulation Impact Statement: not applicable
Letters: not applicable

Related documents: NIA and Consultation on Agreement between Australia and the Republic of Finland on Social Security (PDF 55KB) | (Word 133KB)
Regulation Impact Statement: not applicable
Letters: not applicable

Related documents: NIA and attachment on consultation on Agreement between the Government of Australia and the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization [WIPO] in relation to the functioning of the Australian Patent Office as an International Searching Authority and International Preliminary Examining Authority under the Patent Cooperation Treaty, to be done at Geneva during December 2008 (PDF 38KB) | (Word 55KB)
Regulation Impact Statement: not applicable
Letters: not applicable

The Committee invites interested persons and organisations to make submissions addressing the terms of reference by Friday, 17 October 2008. Anyone now seeking to make a submission should contact the Committee Secretariat. Please refer to our brochure called preparing a submission for more information. Printed copies of the National Interest Analyses and treaty texts for these proposed treaty actions can also be obtained from the Committee Secretariat.